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Austin pulled in the school's parking lot and surprisingly, there was a couple of people standing by their cars.

Today's the end of normal classes because starting from next week, exams officially starts.

We got out and walked into the school building, yet again, every hallway was full and it seemed like there were more people in school than normal. Maybe because we arrived school earlier than normal.

I pushed my way through the hall loosing track of Austin accidentally bumping into something...more like someone.

"Shit!" I cursed seeing it was Stacy. "Watch it will you", she rudely spat at me. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Before I got to my locked, I bumped into another being

"Holy f*ck" the guy cursed rubbing his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to my surrounding", he apologized sweetly.

"I'm sorry too. I didn't see you", I smiled. "I'm Lucas" he said showing his not too white dentition, stretching his hand to me for a handshake.

"I'm Mel", I took his hand.

"I know. See you around", he winked at me then disappeared into the crowd.

That was when it hit me. Lucas and I have been in the same class since 4th grade but we never really spoke to each other. Only few times we've been paired to do assignments or projects together but since high school, I hardly saw him.

I took out my books for the first period and left for my class. I met Macy at the door laughing with Cullen, "hey", I greeted and went in. They followed behind but to my surprise Macy didn't seat on her regular space. Instead she said near Cullen and I frowned.

Ms. Kate came in and closed the door behind her. She smiled and greeted the class before sending out our quiz scripts back to us. When my paper fell on my desk, I was nervous to flip it over.

Literature quiz wasn't hard neither was it simple but I put in all my efforts. I said a little prayer, with my eyes still closed, I flip it over and opened my eyes. To my surprise, I say a B and I squealed happily.

I turned over to Macy and she looked at me happy too. "B", she mouthed.

"Same here", I said showing my script to her. Just when Ms. Kate was giving us some tips on how the exam will be, the door banged opened revealing Stacy and her butterflies behind her.

She rudely walked pass Kate and I think it angered her. "Ms. Warmer, I see you aren't remorseful even after performing poorly in the quiz. I will make sure you don't graduate this year", she angerily said making the whole class start its gossip.

"Enough!" She yelled shutting everyone up.

"You can't do that to me Kate", Stacy hissed

"I can and I will", she said, throwing her script at her. She bent over and picked it up. She gasp at what say saw as those who were able to view it from their angle alsi gasped.

"It can't be. I can't have F in this course. You marked me badly on purpose and I will tell this to the principal", she raged and left the class almost breaking down.

I looked over to Cullen but he didn't look disturbed. "She deserves it", I heard him tell Macy, both of them laughing.

After literature, I walked to my locker and shoved my books inside. Slamming the locker close, I let out a little scream. Lucas laughed at my reaction. "I didn't mean to scare you Mel. Just wanted to ask if we can have lunch together", he smiled sweetly.

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