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Austin got back to the table minutes after and I could see chioma see the both of us "where were you?" She directs her question to him

Austin just rolled his eyes before taking another sip of the content from his glass.

The night went on well as we drank and danced. I could feel myself tipsy but I didn't care. I needed to get Austin off my mind asap and getting drunk was the fastest way out.

On the dance floor, a random guy came behind me and began rocking me. He gabbed me by the waist and brought his lips to my neck.

I didn't mind.

Or maybe my now drunken state didn't let me care as I grind myself against him. I could feel his manhood grow from his jeans.

"Would you like to get out of here", he breathed into my neck and I nod.

Maybe being laid will also help since the last time I got laid was 2years ago.

2years ago, I met this guy Luis. He was good or so i thought. We were cool and he asked me out. Austin on the other hand wasn't in support of the relationship and I just thought he was being a protective friend and went ahead to date him. After the night he got into my pants, he disappeared.

I never got to see him and his number strangely disappeared from my phone as well. That was how I lost my womanhood or should I say V card to that bastard.

When next I see him, I will snuff the life out of him.

I had sex a couple of times with two different guys after Luis. And this night, I might just get laid again or so I thought until I felt a hand drag me out of the stranger grip.

"Get off me", I hissed.

"Sorry bro, but she's mine", I heard a voice say to the guy

"And you are?" I managed to say looking up the guy now holding me. I gasped as I saw Austin. I pushed him and walked back to the table. I heard footsteps follow behind but I didn't care.

When I got to the table, i found no one. "Where's everybody?"

"They all left", he told me.

"Okay, I want to go home", I managed to complete my sentence before I messed up myself and the whole place. The last thing I remembered was I fell into one of the chairs before I blacked out.

I woke up to a pounding headache as I held my head with my hands. I moved over to my side and found my phone. I looked at my phone to check time and saw it was past 11am.

I skipped school again, great!

I stood up to use the bathroom when I noticed I wasn't in my room. I looked the room and realized I was in the guest room that was when I looked down and realized I wasn't on my leather dress but on a big tee-shirt that wasn't mine.

I don't even have a tee-shirt as big as this.

After using the toilet, I looked around and found my undies and dress on little rope in the bathroom. I took it and left  both the bathroom and room to go to my own room.

"Finally, you're awake", I heard Austin say. "I made you a coffee for your hangover" he said handling the cup to me.

"Thank you", I took it from him and sipped a little from the cup and silence filled the atmosphere.

"Everyone's out so I decided to skip school with you today to take care of you", he said breaking the silence

"Oh", was all I could say. "I will be in my room", I said and went upstairs before he could alter any word.

As soon as I entered my room, I closed the door and ran to my bed.

I sat at the edge of the bed as flashes of last night began flooding into my head.. I remembered drinking a whole lot and dancing. I remembered grinding against someone I didn't know. I remembered him requesting for us to leave the place and also remembered Austin dragging me out of his grip.

I remember getting to the table and finding no one and also messing myself up. I tried remembering if anything went down between myself and Austin but couldn't.

Nothing came up to my head.

Was I that drunk?

How couldn't I remember?

I quickly left the room to the living room where Austin was still sitting watching TV.

"Uhm, sorry to ask but did anything...you know...happen between us", I said using my fingers to demonstrate.

He smirked, "what do you think?"

"Oh no. This is bad. Very bad. How could you take advantage of my drunk state and I can't even remember it",

"Calm down Mel. Nothing happened, was only messing with you. Take a chill pill", he defended.

I suddenly became calm.

In as much as I want to do a whole lot with Austin, at least I want to remember every detail of it.

"So nothing happened right? How come I ended up in your bed with my panties off and in your tee-shirt?"

"You messed yourself up and I had to clean your mess. I washed you, changed your clothes and washed them", I gasped hearing the fact that he washed me and my panties but decided not to care.

"By the way, I didn't want to wake anyone up so I just let you have my room",

"Okay and you slept where?" I had to ask if we shared the same bed too obviously.

"I slept here", he said pointing to the sofa he was sitting on.

"Oh", I said feeling all relaxed.

"You're welcome", he replied.

I turned to leave, but realized I hadn't really thanked him. "Thank you", I smiled. "And thank you for the coffee".

"Anytime", he smiled back before facing the TV once again.

I went up to my room and took a proper shower. After that, I went downstairs prepared myself food and went back upstairs.

My phone vibrated and I checked it out. It was our group chat. They apologized personally for leaving me behind saying they saw me hook up with one guy and thought I went home with him.

I smiled at the messages before replying them.

Mel: it's fine guys. Btw, Austin was still there. He brought me home and I didn't hook up with anybody 😂

I sighed dropping my phone to eat as I was starving. While eating, I imagined Austin bathing me and I blushed.

First, he kissed me and now, he has seen me in my full glory. All in one day, wow.

Fate is really playing tricks with me.


What do you think about this chapter guys?

I'm sure you guys were expecting a rated 18 scene

I actually wanted to make this chapter a hot one was I kicked against it because it will be too soon.

Please leave you comments going.





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