Episode 27: The Aftermath of Hero Killer Stain

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'Woof?!' Takumi and Midoriya both thought as they both were still shocked that the police chief was a dog.

"As for the Hero Killer, himself... he's currently in treatment for his burns, broken bones, and a number of serious injuries, woof." Tsuragamae continued.

There was a short moment of silence, as if the police chief had expected the students to say anything but no one even knew what to say. They were just glad they had even survived their fight with Stain.

"At the dawn of this extraordinary era, the police moved to prioritize leadership and to maintain the status quo... so they decided not to use quirks as weapons. The profession 'hero' rose as one that would fill that void, woof. Authorizing the use of such might... of these powers that could so very easily kill... was a heavily criticized decision at first, but it would garner public support. All because your predecessors acted morally and complied with the laws, woof." Tsuragamae explained before he looked at Takumi in particular when he spoke of their predecessors complying with the laws. Takumi wondered if this had also been a subtle jab at his time as a vigilante with no possible hero future.

"But those without permission... those who inflicted harm without explicit instruction from the police and powers that be... even if they were to face someone like the Hero Killer... such action would represent a stunning breach of law, woof. You four, as well as your Pro Hero mentors... Spider-Man, Endeavor, Manual, Gran Torino. The eight of you must be dealt with strictly and impartially." Tsuragamae spoke sternly.

Both Takumi and Todoroki stepped forward at that moment.
"Wait just a second there! / Hold on a minute." Takumi and Todoroki said respectively at the same time.

"Todoroki/Sakai..." Iida and Midoriya spoke respectively.

"If Iida hadn't acted, Native would've been killed. And if Sakai hadn't showed up and saved Native before engaging Stain to save Iida, then Iida would have likely died and then Native not that long after." Todoroki pointed out.

"And even with my Iron Man armor being as strong as it is, if Midoriya and Todoroki hadn't arrived when they did, who knows if I would have been able to take that guy down. There was no other choice but to act, or else people would have died. Are we REALLY putting the law above the lives of actual people?" Takumi added in agreement with Todoroki.

"Everything turned out fine. So just forget about the law this time!" Todoroki boomed.

"Whoa, whoa. Sakai, Todoroki... calm down." Midoriya told them in a panic.

"What's important isn't leaving people to go and die because of some arbitrary mandate that prevents people from doing what's right! It's a hero's JOB to save others... and sure we are still in training... and sure we were going against the law when we got involved but... With great power there must also come great responsibility... when you can do the things, we can... and you don't... and the bad things happen. They happen because of you." Takumi replied, having no intention of backing down.

'Well... I'm getting a sense of deja vú' Spirit Tony replied in Takumi's head as he remembered when his world's Peter Parker had told him the same thing... why he was Spider-Man.

"You've certainly got Spider-Man's spirit, but you still have much to learn, woof. Some education you're getting from your mentors, woof." Tsuragamae replied calmly.

"You mutt..." Todoroki growled as he started to approach the police chief. before Takumi and Gran Torino stopped the boy.

"Look, we may not agree with this whole thing, but let's not COMPLETELY lose our cool." Takumi told his friend, although he was saying it to himself just as much as he was saying it to Todoroki.

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