"Let me take you home." He reached for my arm but I stepped back.

"Ok. Just don't touch me." I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes and turned around and began to walk. I followed behind him quietly and noticed he had a knife. It was bloody.

"So. Who'd you kill this time?" I asked as I kept walking behind him.

"Nobody. I cut myself on accident." He shrugged.

"How did you do that on accident." I glared at the back of his head.

"Don't know, don't really care." He kept walking and soon we made it to his car. We got into his car and I looked at his arms. "I'm not depressed." He caught me looking. "It was a simple cut." He pulled his sleeve up and showed me the cut.

It was a long cut which made me feel weird. "That's no accident, and you don't have to be depressed to have cuts."

"Mind your business shorty." He rolled his eyes before rolling his sleeve back down and driving off.

I folded my arms before looking out the window. I huffed and puffed wanting to know what really happened, but he was not gonna tell me at all.

"Huffing and puffing don't make me want to tell you. It makes me want to nut into your throat to stop you from huffing." He said boldly. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth.

"E-Eren!" I blushed and looked out the other window. I noticed we were nowhere near my home. My blush went away and my hands dropped. "Where are we going?"

"Home." He shrugged.

"Home? This is not the way home. Go back around idiot." I glared at him.

"We're going to my home. The home me and you will live in." He smirked at me.

My eyes widened and before I could say anything, he stopped the car and grabbed my neck. He smashed his lips into mines and I tried to move back but couldn't.

He kissed me roughly, can I even call this a kiss?

I then felt dizzy... "E-Eren... I don't feel so good." I said once we pulled back.

"It's okay. I'll get you to a good comfortable bed.." He looked me in the eyes before kissing my cheek.

I laid back in the chair and closed my eyes trusting Eren...


I wake up and feel a warm embrace behind me. I groaned and touched my head feeling dizzy. The room was a pretty red and black color. I slowly sat up and looked around. I turned my head to see Eren.

I stared at him still wondering what happened to me...

Eren's eyes slowly opened up a couple of times before closing and opening back up. He slowly sat up and mumbled a, "Morning."

"Hi." I said as I moved a little bit but I was still in his arms. I blushed slightly before looking him in the eye again. "What happened to me...?"

"I had some sleep medicine on my lips that Hanji made for me. I put it on my lips and didn't dare to lick my lips or I would pass out. I then kissed you to transfer it to you. It seems like you love to lick your lips."

"W-why would you do that??" I asked as I tried to get out of his grip.

"Because I want you Levi."

"Did you rape me?!" I said quickly as I tried to see if I still had clothes on.

"Of course not dummy." He let go of me. "This is our home now. I have two. One is for my gang, this one was just mines, but now it's ours." He smirked.

I shake my head. "I can fend off on my own." I covered my face and stood up from the bed only to drop down to my knees. "What the hell! What else did you do to me!"

"Nothing. It's called not eating in your life." Eren said like it was something I should know.

"I've been eating." I glared at him.

"Oh? Then why are you on the floor." He peeked over from the other side of the bed.

I sighed before slowly standing up. I limped over to the door and opened it up. Eren quickly got out of bed and put his arm on my hips to walk with me.

"Chill. You should eat something."

"No I should get out of here first." I spat and glared up at him.

He stared down at me. He was like commanding me to obey his orders. I looked away and held onto his arm before nodding slightly.

I couldn't see his little reaction but he started to walk pushing me slightly with him. He picked me up and put me onto the clean kitchen counter. I rolled my eyes at him before looking around.

The house was actually pretty neat might I add it was a nice brownish color.

I stared at Eren as he got ingredients out. He began to start cooking, I realized by the the ingredients he was making homemade pancakes. I hope he's a good cook..


After watching him for awhile he brought me into the dining room and sat me down. He then gave me a plate with pancakes and sausage on it. "What do you want to drink hm?"

"I don't care." I mumbled as he gave me a fork and a knife.

"What do you want to drink." He said sternly.

"I don't even know what you have."

"I have everything. Don't make me ask again."

"Orange juice." I mumbled before he walked away.

He was so dominant I kinda liked that about him.

He came back with my glass and I thanked him before digging in. I moaned slightly at the taste.

"Good?" He asked from the kitchen while chuckling.

I blushed before saying, "Shut up!"


After awhile we both finished and he began to pull out a small notebook. I looked over his shoulder from the couch he sat me at.

Lists of names, some check marked, some crossed out, some with check marks and crossed outs.. some have none.

He crossed a females name out by Libby Jones before putting a check mark next to Reiner Braun...

I looked at the back of his head before he spoke, "It's not nice to look at what I'm doing." He spoke casually.

I blushed and scooted back and looked away. "I wasn't looking..."

"Oh? Of course you wasn't." He mumbled something that I couldn't hear but then he turned around an looked up at me from the floor. "But since you saw, it's my uh... Murder list I guess?"

I stared at him before asking, "What do those check marks mean?"

"It means they are next or were next." He shrugged.

"And that means if they are crossed out you we completed their death?" I asked slightly interested.

"Yes. Problem?"

"No... Not at all.."

"Great." He smiled at me before getting on the couch. "I've gotta go somewhere..."

"If your gonna kill someone just tell me because I already know." I folded my arms at the brunette.

He shrugged before saying, "Then I'm going to go kill someone."

"Okay... I want to go to my job."

"No. You have money." He said sternly.

"No I don't, I need that job Eren. I'm not gonna live off of you."

"But I suggested!" He mumbled.

"No. I want to go to my job please."

He groaned before saying. "Fine."

Kill or Be Killed (ERERI)Where stories live. Discover now