Let's see if you can still get out of this, Mika. I smirked evily and saved the video I captured.

As she was out of the sight, I hurriedly ran to him. I see him blinking his eyes. "You okay?" He groaned. "Don't worry, I have another plan. I'll make sure to leave you out of this." I reassured him.

Sullyoon's POV

I was in a cafe I didn't know. I finished off my food and stood up. Just then, I felt an uncomfy feeling. I approached the cashier.

"Uh Ms? Do you have a bathroom here?" I asked quickly.

"Yes ma'am, just go left to the counter and at the very back of the path." She pointed beside the counter.

"Okay, thank you." I hurried my steps to the bathroom.

I felt refreshed as I was done with my business. The door next to the bathroom was the back door.

I stood in front of the door as I am tying up my hair. The dark alley in my eyes was suddenly occupied by a girl.

I fluttered my eyes to see better. As she walked by, I saw someone barrying her space. As I blinked, I saw the man attacking the girl. I widened my eyes at my sight.

I watched everything in sight. The girl won the fight. I sighed in relief. I immediately faced the wall as I saw the girl open that very door. I glanced at her and saw her wearing a school uniform. Must be a student.

I furrowed my eyebrows as my eyes traced the letterings on her nametag.

"Mika Lee"

Next to it, was a logo of the school. With a calligraphy naming, "Sim Universities"

As she walked away, I stared back at the door to see another girl helping the guy that was out.

I slid my phone and took a picture of it. Just in case.


I was in my room, searching for any universities nearby that I could study to. Just then, an idea popped in my head. I quickly snatched my phone in my headboard and decided to text Heeseung.

I did stay that night. He even fell asleep in my shoulder. We slept together in the couch. At the morning, we exchanged our numbers, and left.

Sullyoon                                   Heeseung

Heeseung? Are you busy?

Not really, Why?

I need help.

What's up?

I'm currently looking for a school

For what?

To study of course, dummy.

Don't talk to me.

Ooh are you sulking? Hmm?


Sure haha


Anyways, do you have any idea?

You can maybe try my school?

What's your school?

Sim Universities

That name is familiar.

Oh shoot I just saw a girl earlier
wearing a uniform with that logo.


Yes. She beat up some kind of creep.

Do you know her name?

No, but I saw her nametag.

And? What it says?

Lee Mika. Know her?

Wait. Lee Mika?


Ya'll listen to Nayeon's solo "Pop!"
It's stuck to my head 24/7 hshshs

Anyways, What do you think Minji will do? Sullyoon? Heeseung? Stay tune for the nexts! Please vote for my story! mwah!

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