Chapter 20

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After Seijurou's forced house moving, the couple decided to stop hiding their relationship. The opinion of the other students didn't matter to them, they would make anyone surrender, if necessary. The first people that found out were members of the Generation of Miracles. They meet up with them few days after Seijurou moved in Y/n's house.

-I can't believe you two are gay. -said Aomine.

-Daiki – said Y/n. - Watch you next words.

-I'm not saying anything, just can't believe it. - Aomine answered. - Wish you all the best.

-It's not like someone could separate you two. - grinned Satsuki. - It's adorable.

-Adorable? - Ryouta was shaking. - That's the scariest couple in the world.

The meeting passed in the atmosphere of jokes and teases. They played some basketball and that was all. They took the new information very well. Now it was time for the Rakuzan team. Seijurou was a bit worried about their reaction. Y/n, on the other hand, was sure that his friends won't disappoint him. Akashi didn't know, that they knew Y/n had a crush on him. They waited with the news until the practice.

-Children, gather around – Y/n joked to his friends as he and Akashi walked in the gym hall. - We have to tell you something.

-Is that the reason you are so beaming today? - asked Kotarou.

-Yes. - Y/n grinned. He looked at Akashi. - Do you want to tell them, or is it for me?

-I will tell them. - Seijurou cleared his throat. - We would like to make it official, that Y/n and I are in a relationship.

The three Kings and Chihiro were silent for a moment before they started cheering. Nebuya pat Y/n's shoulder making him groan. Reo hugged them both surprising Seijurou, while Kotarou was unusually silent. Even Chihiro congratulated them.

-I have one question. - said Kotarou, sounding seriously.

-Yeah? - Y/n urged him to speak, his gaze fixated on him.

-Can I be the best man on your wedding?- he asked, grinning suddenly. The others started arguing with him over that, as they didn't think about it. It was amusing to watch for both Seijurou and Y/n. They also felt relieved. Y/n wouldn't want to lose his friendship with Kotarou.

-I don't know – smirked Y/n –Seijurou, can they all be our best men?

-You know that Aomine and Ryouta will be disappointed, right? - Seijurou responded with a question.

-Then both teams can be our best men. -Y/n chuckled.

-We have this settled then. - Seijurou said, then he got serious. - We are starting the practice now, enough of leisure time.

Seijurou divided the group into two teams and with that, the practice started. Y/n and him were in the same team with the rest of Rakuzan against them. Y/n notices that they managed to keep up with them from time to time, that was a progress.

Two hours later the practice was over. Y/n and Seijurou said goodbyes to their team and went home hand in hand. Y/n's mind right away went to the one thing he needed after school and the tiring practice.

-Do we need something from the store? -asked Y/n. - What are we eating?

-I feel like having that fried rice you made the other time. - said Seijurou.

-As you wish. - Y/n nodded.

Y/n and Seijurou reached their house, after few minutes of walking. They changed from their school uniforms and got to cooking. By the end of the cooking, Seijurou went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once Akashi was done, Y/n took a shower as well. When he came back, Seijurou was waiting for him at the table.

-You could eat, you didn't have to wait. - Y/n smiled.

-That wasn't a problem. - Seijurou answered. - Now let's enjoy our dinner.

They ate in comfortable silence, chatting from time to time. When the plates were empty, Y/n did the dishes. In the meantime Seijurou looked for something to watch on the TV. Few minutes later Y/n joined Seijurou on the couch and wrapped his arm around his waist. Seijurou leaned on Y/n's chest, getting comfortable as they watched the movie together.   

The Emperor and his Dragon (Akashi Seijurou x SMR)Where stories live. Discover now