Chapter 17

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Y/n slept like a baby. He woke up, but he didn't want to get up yet. He wondered if it was just a dream. The texts in his phone made him smile, as they proved him otherwise. He was never so happy to be wrong in his life. He texted Akashi to just tell him good morning. Seijurou responded few minutes later, telling him he was having breakfast. Y/n decided to do the same. He made his way to the kitchen and started cooking. Few minutes later he had scrambled eggs with ham and vegetables on his plate. If he wasn't the basketball player, he would be a chef.

-Delicious. - he said, after the first bite.

Y/n ate his breakfast and cleaned up. He finished doing the dishes just in time. Akashi was at his door. Y/n basically flew to answer it and let his love in. Yes. Akashi Seijurou was his love. Y/n opened the door, smiling.

-Hello love. - he said.

-Good morning my Dragon. - answered Akashi and pecked Y/n's cheek as he walked in.

-This is my pet name huh? - he chuckled.

-Yes, I especially love the 'MY' part in it. - Seijurou said taking a seat on the couch.

-I approve. - Y/n answered. - What are we drinking?

As requested, Y/n made tea for Akashi and coffee for himself. He brought it to the living room and joined Akashi on the couch. Y/n didn't waste any moment to wrap his arm around Akashi's waist and pull him closer. Seijurou kissed his cheek.

-How was your night? - he asked.

-Way better than the night before. -said Y/n. - I slept very well. How about you?

-I had a good night as well. - answered Akashi. - How sappy would it sound, if I told you I'd sleep better with you there? - they chuckled.

-Very sappy, but sappiness in a relationship is kind of expected. - Y/n said, as he started playing with Akashi's hair.

Their faces got close on their own. They just let their bodies do what they wanted. Their lips moved in sync, they were made for each other. Y/n and Seijurou pulled away after a bit and just cuddled with each other.

-I'm pretty sure this coffee and tea are cold by now. - said Seijurou.

-Sacrifice of that kiss. - answered Y/n, earning a fond smile from Akashi.

Y/n and Seijurou spend the whole day together. They went out to do groceries for Y/n, then got to making the dinner. Akashi didn't know much about cooking, he never had to do that, but Y/n was a patient teacher.

-I like this way of quality time. -said Akashi.

-We will do it more often. - Y/n promised.

They put the food on the plates and sat down at the table. Akashi was pleased with the outcome. The food tasted good, it was simple. Different from what he had at home, where the professional chef was cooking for him and his father. Somehow, Y/n's food was better. Maybe it was the atmosphere in Y/n's house, maybe it was Y/n's presence. Maybe it was both.

They cleaned up after the dinner and went to the bed for a nap. They laid on their sides, facing each other, and wrapped their arms around their lover. Akashi nuzzled Y/n's chest and closed his eyes. He relaxed immediately, as if he was under a magic spell. It was amazing.

They laid like that until it was time for Akashi to go back home. They shared few kissed on their way to the door. It was hard to part ways.

-We will see each other in school. -smiled Seijurou.

-It will be like a nightmare. - Y/n pointed in response. - I will have you around for the whole day and I won't be able to get even the smaller kiss.

-You will get all the kisses later, I will tell my father I have a group project to do. - said Akashi, brightening Y/n's mood up.

-Fair with me. - Y/n answered and kissed Seijurou one more time, before he went home.

Y/n took a quick shower and got ready to bed. When he was getting dressed he heard his phone buzz. He read the message saying that Seijurou arrived home and he was sending more kisses.

-You're so sappy my dear Emperor. - Y/n smiled to himself. - Sappy and adorable. Who would have thought?

Y/n texted Akashi back and got to bed. He fell asleep without problems.  

The Emperor and his Dragon (Akashi Seijurou x SMR)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ