Chapter 2

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Akashi was furious to see Y/n in the gym hall, with a taunting smirk on his face. He demanded Y/n to be kicked out of the team, but he was refused. That annoyed him even more. The Rakuzan team members were whispering and chuckling at that, before Y/n walked up to them, glaring. He hated, when someone was talking about him behind his back. He always called people out on it and this time wasn't an exception.

-Do you have something to say? - he said. - To me, or to Akashi?

Kotaro wanted to say something, before Akashi pushed Y/n away and joined the 'conversation' instead. Y/n got pissed off, but he decided to take a deep breath. He, of all people, should know how to press Seijurou's buttons. But he didn't. He didn't know his best friend anymore. Like he was a completely different person.

-Your gazing too high. - Y/n heard the familiar words.

Akashi did the same thing to Uncrowned Kings, as he did to him the day before. That gave them a scare, they didn't know what was going on. They fell silent with their eyes open wide. Then Akashi turned to Y/n.

-You better show me you are not useless. - he said. - Because this is my team. I will find a reason to get rid of you.

-Can't wait. - Y/n teased, earning another glare from Akashi.

It was time for a sparring to see, if any of the new team members had a potential. Y/n was placed alongside Akashi, with three other boys, while the Kings were against them. One of the boys asked, if it was fair to outnumber the rival team.

-They will deal with you just fine. -answered the coach. - The ones with the least amount of scored points will not make it to the team.

With that the match started. With the whistle blowing, Y/n and Seijurou got in their own private competition. The victory over the other was the goal. It was difficult to keep up with them, even to the Uncrowned Kings. They were scoring point after point. Akashi was using his Emperor Eye, Y/n was quick and powerful. Unstoppable like a real Dragon.

Their trances went away, when they noticed they beat the seniors of the Rakuzan. It turned out, that Y/n and Akashi scored the same amount of points. Akashi glared at Y/n, his glare being answered with a smirk from Y/n. They were only ones who got qualified to the team of Rakuzan. Akashi walked up to Y/nonce more.

-I will get rid of you. - he threatened.

-Pray I won't wish to get rid of you. -answered Y/n.

Time skip

Y/n was resting after the practice and homework. The level of education in Rakuzan was extremely high. Apparently Rakuzan was a school only for the best. But Y/n was the best in one more thing. During the time in America, he came up with many great ways to cheat on the tests and homework.

He couldn't stop thinking of Akashi and the situation they were in. He never considered Seijurou his enemy, but apparently, he was considered like one by Akashi. It was hard to comprehend it to Y/n and it made him sad, that the situation changed like that, without him doing anything wrong. He hoped he would come back and they would at least have a decent conversation. He didn't expect Akashi to run to his arms, or start to hang out with him everyday, he just wanted to talk and maybe catch up. He wanted to have fun again, playing basketball with him, like they used to. Apparently it was too much to ask for.

-If I knew it ends like this, I would never come back here. - he said out loud to the silence of the house. He felt lonely at that time. - I don't even know what to do anymore. If he doesn't want to talk, I can't force him.

He went to the shower, where he continued to think about the whole ordeal with Akashi. Then he went to bed. He fell asleep around midnight, having no dreams.

The Emperor and his Dragon (Akashi Seijurou x SMR)Where stories live. Discover now