Chapter 1

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TW: Sensitive issues like female foeticide, suicidal thoughts and domestic abuse are mentioned in this story. You have been warned. This is a fictional story. None of the characters are real.

I got pregnant. Again. It hasn't even been 10 months since they killed the baby girl growing inside me. My in-laws and my husband want a baby boy. But here I am unable to grow one. So we killed the 4 other babies growing inside me in the past few years.

This was my 5th baby. I hoped it would be a boy so myself and the baby could be saved from suffering. I was 13 weeks already. Today was the day to go for a checkup to know the gender of this baby.

Since it was illegal to reveal the gender of the baby the doctors indirectly conveyed the information. “Congratulations” for a boy and “ahem better luck next time” for a girl. Sexist if you ask me. This time it was different. I was feeling extremely nauseous and weak.

The doctor whom we always meet is a family friend of my in-laws so he gave them the gender without thinking of the consequences.

The cold gel was being rubbed on my belly by a nurse. To be honest I was extremely nervous.

I wanted the baby to be a boy so I wouldn't have to go through that nightmarious procedure again but deep down I have always loved girl babies. Killing them made me sick and depressed.

But I couldn't show my emotions to anyone. Not even this baby’s child aka my husband.
I saw my baby’s heart beat. Thankfully, the baby was healthy.

I heard my father in-law asking the doctor about the gender of this baby. And just after hearing half of his next sentence I blacked out

“Better luck next time”

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