Scoliosis bracing be like:

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Here are my general encounters as a fellow with severe scoliosis and in two treatments (physical therapy and scoliosis bracing)

I'm here to share my PAIN and spread a slight awareness about it

I'll also give a how annoying it is scale 1 is not annoying and 10 is PERISH

1. Smacking my brace with water bottles

3/10 it's not that bad, it can be comfy at times but you need my consent to do it since I am not ready for random earthquakes running through my spine

2. Knocking on my brace without consent

6/10, I can feel the vibrations and it's loud, most people literally lift my shirt to do it and... no. No. No. No.

I find it okay but don't knock so hard

I am not a door, but I do find knock knock jokes with it funny! Just don't knock on my brace so hard

3. Tickling me in the holes of my scoliosis brace

9/10, look, I can get overstimulated, wearing a brace with my overstimulation is already bad enough and when you tickle me I will personally defenestrate you.

It's also because I'm extremely ticklish and my brace holes were made for me TRY to scratch my back when I'm having scoliosis pains + itches. Tickling it is just making them worse

4. Grabbing my brace / pulling me by the brace

11/10, look. If you grab my brace I am basically helpless, kind of like a object no matter the strength you put in it, it's extremely uncomfortable for me and you could move my brace in a way where I could stab my rib cage for a second or compress my right hip or even pinch myself extremely hard that it bleeds.

You can grab my brace if it's an emergency like if I was having a panic attack to try to help me or if I was stuck in the bus seat because my brace got stuck but otherwise, leave

5. Asking 3959395 questions about it

0/10, I would be glad to answer any of your questions. Curiosity is a good thing. My most common one is if I sleep with it, which is yes. I have a full time brace and sleeping with the brace ISNT actually as hard unless it's summertime

6. Stabbing my brace with scissors

5/10. Yes, people actually do this to me! Generally I don't feel this since it's like armour with pain but what if you missed my brace and actually stabbed me with the scissors? If you really want to try at least let me know so I can point to a spot where it's safe

7. "Can I try it on?"

4/10, depends who you are and if you can even fit in the brace. I'm not risking to break medical equipment. Most likely I will say no but sometimes I'll say it, i never close the brace with the Velcro since it might cause you great pain without closing it even.

Most common reaction: how do I jump, run or move with this crap??

8. Putting your bag on my brace

9/10, same thing as putting your bag on somebody's wheelchair. Don't do that, please don't. If your bag is heavy you might damage my brace and I will make you pay for it. No mercy. (5000$ USD). It literally took two months to make and it's from Germany, I'm not waiting that long, I am not ready to strain my back everyday from simple movements, my back brace also protects me

I do put my bag on my brace though, but it's less than 1kg so I don't mind it

9. "It's not that bad just get over it, just sit straight you drama queen"

 "It's not that bad just get over it, just sit straight you drama queen"

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Scoliosis is a disability. I even have it severe, without the brace I can't even bend properly or go sideways. If I do I can literally feel the uneven hips and it makes me literally scream. I cant Strand straight! I can literally feel how my leg is shorter than the other (5mm) like GET AWAYSKDOWOC

I'm glad my top curve doesn't go in the same direction as my heart, otherwise I would be probably dead by now. My right lung is compressed and some of my organs are also compressed. Please understand I can't do the same things as most people can.

You are literally comparing me to a Normal person with no problems in their physics health. You expect me to do gymnastics, ski or do some sports with my brace on? I cant! I will literally injure myself so badly I won't be able to move. I once strained my muscle so badly I couldn't even do anything, I was basically paralyzed for two days because I was forced to do basketball. Please stop these comments, they really hurt.

10. Kick me or randomly touch my brace in areas

I find this really weird, would you do the same if I didn't have a brace? Also please don't kick it, you can dirty my shirt or my brace and it's a pain to get dirt of my clothes + brace. I still can feel something's and especially don't try to kick me when I'm nearby a staircase! Would you do the at to a regular person?

Touching me on the brace without consent is a no. Would you randomly touch somebody by their waist in a bus or in class? No! I don't report this because I understand most of the time I can't feel it but please don't do this :)

I have more to go through, but here are my main points! Thank you for reading

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