CH shorts

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This was requested.. HERE WE GO!

Czechia: you were really drunk last night

Poland: no I wasn't! I only had like on shot of vodka, or two I forgot

Czechia: you flirted with Germany and asked if he was single-

Poland: but I'm dating Niemcy!

Czechia: Polsko. You cried when he said he wasn't single

Austria: Bring home purified water with no minerals, I have a party to throw later

West: I got spring water! *giggles*

Austria: West... NO

East: with extra minerals!

West: it's like licking a stalagmite

Austria: *wtf is a stalagmite?* -confused screeching-


Austria: don't come to my party

GE: Let's do some stuff together

AH: like on our relationship or crime?

GE: both

AH:.... JA OKIE!

Germany: Austria can I have the files for Greece?

Austria: Sure!

Germany: oh Danke, my back pain was really bad these days and I can't reach the files.

Austria: -gives cactus-

Germany: .... ANSCHLUSS TIME

Germany: Don't wake me up from sleep unless you want to be anschlussed

Belgium: -prays that nobody wakes him up-

Poland: you want to copy my flag? No, too many people already done that

Czechia: -copies Poland's flag but puts a blue triangle eyepatch -

Poland: this is why I invaded you to secure a church

Pause, so basically Poland once accidentally invaded Czech Republic. As a Czech Person I find this hilarious

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