Alternative if East never died

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TR had left the house and the twins took action to give food to the people below.

They prepared everything and snuck downstairs.
'Hey!! Me and Easy got you guys some food. I know it's not much.' A polish and a Czech appeared from the basement with broken eyes. One of the four eyes had a fork stuck in it that had dried blood on it. East gagged and West slapped her.

'There is a med kit here, imma get it Tschechien don't worry. Your wing Poland also needs to be treated before you lose your second one.' West said, 'East, give them the food we prepared.' East gave the food and looked at West who returned with the kit and started to treat cz's eye first.
'AAAA-' 'shhhh..' West shushed the screaming Czech before quickly covering the forked eye with his hand and placed an eyepatch on it. He went to Poland and also treated it.

'Why are you guys helping us?'
'Because we aren't TR, we know our family and TR isn't even our dad. We rebel against him a lot since he killed our dad and ripped out East's wings. I kept mine since my magic is stronger.' West said before placing the bandages on Poland's wing.

TR smashed the door open.
'Oh SHEIßE.. please don't tell me he is drunk again.' West said as he sprouted his wings, using it to open a small window for Poland and Czechia to escape too. He flapped then gently in the small area.
'Get help for us please.' East said West pushed Czechia out. They immediatly ran off to get help.

TR entered the basement with West covering East with his wings.
'Oh West you never learn, I'm after you not her. You have the stronger magic, I need you more.' He grabbed West and he gasped before being covered by TR.
'Now come on, you would not want to miss our collab~'
'NEIN NEIN IM NOT DOING IT!!' West yelled while kicking around. The door busted open to see USSR and UK. (No France this time).
They ran down to the basement to see the fight, East raised a med kit to wack TR and West was crying out with his wings being tugged while TR was about to hit West.
'LET GO OF THE TWINS RIGHT NOW! WE GOT A REPORT FOR THE ESCAPED HOSTAGES!' UK demanded, East ran behind USSR. TR was refusing and held onto West stronger, making West unable to breathe.

'You're killing your own son?!' UK said angrily before shooting TR's leg. He collapsed down in pain land let go of West and also ran to USSR.

USSR pushed the twins aside to UK and took out a knife and attacked TR while UK covered their eyes to keep them less traumatized.

'Kids, what did you guys encounter?' UK said while looking at a horrified East and a slightly calmer West.
'Well he ripped out my wings, beat us up if we didn't call him father when he is our uncle, killed our father, took us from our mother....'
East started stating all the things that TR did and UK was left flabbergasted.

West hugged onto East.
'Don't separate us.' West said while covering her with his wings again, he doesn't trust anyone other than East, Poland and Czechia.

USSR arrived with fresh blood on his jacket.
'We can go, I take East you take West?'
'NEIN!' The twins shouted.
'I take West you take East.'
'I take both?'
'NO! That's not fair to me!'
UK and USSR fought each other.

'WE ARE GOING WITH ANY OF YOU!' East yelled angrily, 'WE ASKED FOR HELP NOT TL BE TAKEN AWAY BY A LEAF ADDICT AND A COMMUNIST!' East continued, West looked at East in horror, knowing that she messed up. UK sharply turned and slapped East, USSR took out a bat and tried to his East but West's wing went in between and his West.

'OW!' Blood went from the bat but USSR tried to hit East again as a punishment but this time West went in between and hit his face, knocking him out.

'WEST!!' She rushed to West and picked him up before trying to run out but UK held her back.
'You're going with USSD wether you like it or not. USSR if she doesn't live by the time they are independent my children, West and I will declare war on you.' UK threatened before taking West in his arms and throwing East to USSR like chewed up gum.

'No wonder West is treated better than you, you have a sharp tongue. Anyways I'm renaming West to Germany. I think it would sound better.'

'Well I'm staying as East.' She scoffed before being dragged by USSR.
'WAIT! Take West's blueprints with you UK, he would go insane without them.'

'What blueprints?'

'West has an IQ of 169, he already created multiple bombs and weapons.'

'I chose the genius child, perfect.'
'HEY I WANT WEST- Germany!'
'Too late!' UK said before running out and almost tripping on Germany's wing. He ran to his house and placed Germany down carefully and then heard a knock on the door.

'Taiwan? What are you doing on my doorstep.'

'Hmm...rather not tell you but kill me later.' Taiwan replied as she pushed UK aside to see the German. Germany looked at Taiwan in confusion. Taiwan smiled lightly and hovered her hand over the German.

'Thank me Germany, I'm doing this for you and East.' She smile before leaving.
'What did you do to Germany?' UK asked.

'I changed his future. I made an alternative universe.' She winked before leaving.

Years passed and East was still alive. Maybe Taiwan did make a difference?

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