Duck pond (Czechia and Germany

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Main characters: Germany and Czechia
Side: Poland and Hungary

Also, they have wings and tails based on their national animal...

Germany and Czechia decided to go to a duck pond to take a break from work. Somehow CZ got to convince Germany to stop working and join him in the cost of admitting German beer was slightly better than Czech beer.

'What are we even going to do here?' Germany asked CZ, who only looked back at Germany.

'Well, to have fun? You never had fun before or what?' CZ said sarcastically. Germany was annoyed that he couldn't do his work because he had about ten papers due tomorrow for their boss, EU.  But the wind was calming and the water glistened and he finally brushed off the thought of work.
'Did you bring any snacks?' Germany asked, Czechia looked at him before whipping out an entire collection of Czech food.
Poland and Hungary saw them from the distance.

'Are they arguing again or actually getting along for the first time?' Hungary snickered and Poland just lightly punched him on the shoulder.
'Hopefully Chia won't see a duck because you know what happens..' Poland added before pointing to a duck nearby Germany and Czechia. From the distance Germany seemed to be eating some of the food and was calm instead of his usual stresses mood.
'I want to join them.' Hungary said, the park was boring for him since all it was about was just sitting on the bench with Poland.

'Then we shall join them!' Poland grasped Hungary's wrist before running off to the pair. 'Can we join you guys? Maybe steal some food?' Poland asked, Germany turned to CZ before giving Czechia a face of please-no-people-scare-me, Czechia just ignored Germany's expression

'Yes! Of course, I even brought a ball over so we can play dodgeball!' Czechia said happily, 'You need to socialize more, Austria or your Turd father do not count.' Hungary giggled a bit from calling Third reich "turd Reich". Czechia grabbed his bag before pulling out a large dodgeball.

'How do you fit all those things in your bag?' Germany asked

'Creativity, something you lack.' Czechia mocked Germany's workaholic personality. He grinned and snatched the cal from Czechia before throwing it at Hungary who quickly dodged it.
'FIGHT!!' Poland screeched before almost being hit by the ball. He grabbed the ball and aimed at Germany who quickly catches it and throws it back at Poland who took the hit on his leg.
'At your service.' Hungary smirked before taking the ball from Poland and attacking Germany, it bounced on the bench back to Hungary who quickly threw it towards Germany multiple times while Czechia was getting bored from not doing anything than watching. He quickly went between Germany and Hungary's mini battle and catching the ball before throwing it at Germany.
'YESSSS GO CHIA!' Hungary and Poland cheered. Germany took the hit but it hit his glasses which fell into the grass.
CZ took the glasses from the grass and wiped the grass sticking on it before passing it back. Poland stood back up from the grass since he was back in the game.

'Oh don't think you're next.' Chia said before snatching the ball from Germany and yeeting the ball towards Hungary who catches it and aims at Chia.
'NOOO MERCY!' Chia cried running closer to pond to take cover. One thing Chia sucked at was dodging balls since he can't see accurately, he didn't need glasses he just simply sucks at figuring where the ball was going to hit.

'THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR SAYING I AM HUNGRY JOKES!' he yelled before hitting Chia straight in the stomach, he took the impact and fell into the pond. Germany was now back in the game.
'Chia?' Poland asked concerned, 'is he drowning in the pond?'
Chia's head popped from the pond before waving at them to show he was okay.
Poland noticed a duck going to the Czech country

'CHIA DO NOT LOOK BEHIND YOU!' Poland shouted, CZ DIDNT listen and turned behind to see a duck.
'DUCK.' He said sternly before swimming toward the duck at full speed. His lion tails gave a quick boost and catches the duck within seconds.  'FOOD!'
Germany was confused on why China started to attack the duck when he already had food at the bench.

'Chia! Ducks are friends not food!' Hungary exclaimed before Chia crawled from the pond with the duck in his mouth.

'Can I keep it please?' Chia asked Germany with pleading eyes. Germany watched his blue eyes sparkle a bit before giving in.
'I guess you can..'

'HA! GERMANY LET ME KEEP IT SO SUCK IT HUNGARY!' His eyes no longer were pleading and his face formed a smug smile before storing the duck in his pocket. He was soaking but ignored it and leaped back to the pond to get the ball that joined him during the fall.

'Is Chia always like this?' Germany asked. Poland sighed before nodding,
'Wait till you see him during the ZOO...' he rolled his eyes before pointing at Chia who regretted jumping in the pond and was freezing.
Germany approached the Czech country before taking his jacket off and covered Chia in it.

'German beer is still better right?' He asked CZ who quickly laughed loudly.
'NOPE! CZECH BEER FOR THE WIN' He threw the wet ball at Germany before closing the zipper from the jacket that Germany borrowed him. 'Thanks for the jacket!' He winked at Germany who was processing everything. Chia is weird.


You can tell disaster was going to happen

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