Mongolia x Russia (platonic)

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A noice request from a epic person :D
FYI, I let Hailey take over here since I am drowning in studying

'YOU GUYS THE MEME THAT TAIWAN PUT WAS SO FUNNY IN OUR EA GROUP CHAT!' Japan wheezed while slapping her thigh. China, South and North Korea also laughed.  Mongolia checked his phone to see no notification, he was never added in a group chat.

'What group chat?' Mongolia asked.
'Uh. Nothing!' Japan stuttered.
'Okay?' He stood nearby them and followed them as they had deep conversations. Mongolia DIDN'T get a single chance to talk and while everybody was on the path, Mongolia was walking on the grass.

A car passed by and ran over a puddle, spraying Mongolia in dirty puddle water.
'AUGH! Ew!' Mongolia shrieked while standing. Nobody else noticed and walked further without him. Mongolia sighed and walked home, soaked in dirty water.

<a week later at school>

Mongolia was placing stuff in his locker while China was talking about a prank to pull on America. He closed his locker and saw Japan giving out party invites. Taiwan stared at her's in happiness and was probably about to explode.
'EAST ASIAN COUNTRIES ONLY PARTY!' Japan said while handing out party invitations.

Mongolia saw this as an opportunity to not be third wheeled all the time and asked Japan for one since he was also an Eastern Asian country.
'Ugh... I ran out of invitations I'm so sorry!' Japan apologized, but then when Mongolia left the halls to use the bathroom, he caught Japan give one to Singapore, which sent a gush of sadness through him.

Mongolia and the other countries headed to the cafeteria, there was one seat left in the table that the EA countries sat in but China blocked the seat.

'That's for Taiwan.' China said calmly.
'I thought you don't like sitting next to Taiwan?'
'WDYM? I love sitting next to my sister.' China scoffed, 'Now leave.' Mongolia sighed and left to an empty table, he was eating alone, again.

Then he felt a tapping feeling on his shoulder and he turned, to see the tall country, Russia.
'Can I sit here?' Russia asked and Mongolia nodded. He is his dead best friend's son. 'My name is Russia, how about you?'

'Mongolia! My name is Mongolia. Nice to meet you..'

'Nice to meet you too, do you have any friends or why are you alone here?' Russia added. Mongolia didn't know how to answer, he had friends but they always excluded him.
'N-no I don't have any friends.' It was a half lie but it felt better to say that.
'I can be your friend.. I mean if you want to.' Russia offered while chewing on his fries.

'Sure!' Mongolia let out quickly. They started to talk and get know each other. Russia was a pretty cool guy, he was nice even though most feared him for being USSR's son. Russia then had to leave to class but then he quickly slipped a note for Mongolia

Hey! Here is my phone number, call me after school if you wanna hangout or smth
Xxxxxx xxxxxx (insert Russian number)

Mongolia was delighted by that note and placed it in his pocket before going to class. Japan and Taiwan were chatting loudly, more like Japan was fingerling and Taiwan was listening while sipping some bubble tea. Mongolia of course was left out again during group projects.. but then Russia. Sat next to him... for the group project. He invited Mongolia to sit with his friend, Germany, America and Belarus.

The project was so fun, everybody had their chance to speak when Mongolia usually would get left out and not able to say anything at all. It felt so good. After the project the teacher was impressed with what the project came out as and their project was hung in the halls while EA's wasn't.

Mongolia went home after school and decided to text Russia to hangout.

M: hey it's me Mongolia

R: Sup Mongolia, wanna hangout?

M: yes!! Where and when?

R: up to you!

M: how about at the local park at 3pm?

R: ok ! See you there Mongolia!

M: cya!

Mongolia packed a small bag to the park and started to head there. When he arrived and waited for Russia, he saw China and his group all having fun. Without even inviting him, again. He felt upset before remembering that Russia was going to be at the park and brushed off his feelings about EA.

Russia entered the park and saw the EA back away and whisper stuff before leaving and Russia waved to Mongolia who waved back and ran over to Russia.
They went to the swings, fed the ducks, walked around and chased each other. Mongolia then tripped and fell into mud. Russia stuck his hand out for Mongolia and he gladly took his hand and got up.

'Ew I'm all crusty.' Mongolia said embarrassed, nobody else in the park was muddy.
Russia then didn't want Mongolia to feel like he's the only one so Russia also pretended to fall in the mud.

Russia helped Mongolia up when he slipped again and chucked some mud onto his face as a joke, Mongolia threw some back and it soon turned into a mud fight.
'TAKE THAT RUSSIA!' Mongolia yelled playfully and yeeted some more mud onto Russia. After a while they got exhausted and sat down on the bench, staining the seat underneath them.

Russia wiped off some mud off Mongolia's cheek and took out a tissue. Mongolia accepted it and wiped his face. 'Thanks Russia!' Mongolia smiled.

One the way home Russia waved goodbye to Mongolia and Mongolia walked some, in his muddy self reminded him of when his old friends left him soaking in rain water and just took a couple picture. Russia, joined him and had a fun fight. He felt tired but happy and went to shower to wash off the mud of himself.

When Mongolia was finished, he took his phone and called Russia, who picked up in like five seconds. They called for a long time before they headed to sleep and Russia ended to call. Mongolia then remembered about the EA party and notification came out from his phone. An invite to Russia's party... this is a new friendship beginning :)

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