CZ x Poland x Germany

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Angst to fluff
This is a request from an epic person :D

Germany was signing papers and typing into his laptop nonstop. His eyes were blood red from lack of sleep (no sleep actually). He didn't want to have that nightmare EVER, that one repeated in his head everytime he slept and his coffee was keeping him going without nightmares. I mean, it's a win win, you get work done, more money and no nightmares! That's what he thought.

Czechia and Poland were together meantime in peaking through the doorway.
'Ugh. Polsko he is working too much again.' Czechia whined.
'I know babe, it's that nightmare probably he keeps getting.' Poland replied before sneaking another peak at Germany who drank another coffee cup and tears leaked from his eye.
'POLSKO, shouldn't we stop him?'

'What if he gets mad?'

'Stop thinking about that time..' Czechia mentioned quietly before Poland understood, Germany was not like him. Never will, he is the last person to be like him.

Soon Czechia hugged Poland,
'It's long over anyway. But seriously should we help him with is well at least?' Czechia said. Poland glanced over at Germany who drank ANOTHER cup of coffee.
'I guess, but how?'

Suddenly Germany stood up from his desk and Czechia grabbed Poland, pulling him to the side so Germany won't see them peaking at him concerned. Germany hates it when they are concerned about him.
What was unexpected, he brushed all the papers all the desk in rage and started to have a breakdown from stress. Germany used his wings aggressively for no reason, like a black magic user toddler having a tantrum.
Poland and Czechia looked over to see the papers, scattered all over the room and a Germany who was curled up, ready to go in a stress induced coma.

'Niemcy?' They chimed in worried, they walked in the room. Poland kneeled down to Germany who was curled up in a ball and crying while Czechia neatly cleaned up the papers before joining the two.
'I-I-I' Germany stuttered before Poland hugged him to silence the German while Czechia ruffled up Germany's wings to comfort him. He lifted his head up to see his comforting boyfriends smiling at him before he immediately grabbed the two for a hug. Czechia yelped a bit while Poland hugged back.

'Enough work for you okay? It's not good for your mental health Niemcy.' Poland said while boiling his nose.
'B-but the EU meeting..' Germany stammered before Czechia butted in.
'Isn't that what we have capitals for? They can do the EU meeting for us. We are allowed to do that on sick days.' Czechia reminded, 'Berlin and Prague take too many beers anyways, this can be their break from beer.' Germany nodded.

'No more overworking, you can always wake us up if you get that nightmare.' Poland added before picking up Germany and Czechia threw the coffee cups away and cleaned his desk before sneakily adding a sticker note saying:

Don't overwork Nemecko, have a good day :)

He rushed to the German and Polish who were cuddling in the living room while selecting a movie. Czechia leaped on the sofa, accidentally landing on his wrist.
'Au to bolí!' Czechia whined about his wrist while Germany invited Czechia to join the cuddle, who accepted the invite and snuggled up to Poland and Germany.

They all chatted for a bit while Germany still had a few sniffles from his breakdown. Czechia clung onto Germany, stealing the warmth and Prague walked in on them cuddling.

'Česko?' Prague asked confused, 'ah sakra musím dělat tvoji práci (oh shit I have to do your work)' he grumbled before leaving.
Prague switches to English to tell Germany something
'Can I throw Saarland out the window? She stole my snitchzel.'
'NEIN.' He said with friendliness in his voice, 'you can steal her cornflowers though.' Prague giggled a bit before running out.

'Immature capital ya got there.' Poland snickered and Czechia only rolled his eyes. Germany wrapped his wing around the two and they watched the movie they've selected randomly.

Germany got a call on excused himself from Poland and Czechia. Czechia snored and Poland pouted at his leave.
'Hallo? Deutschland hier.'
'Ah yes Germany? This is awkward but I am AH.'
'Mum?? What on earth are you calling?'
'I accidentally summonsed GE.' Germany sighed and told her some advice before hanging up. He turned to the pair who were giggling while playing Rock Paper Scissors.

He felt a huge gush of guilt run to him, why couldn't he let them escape earlier before TR forked Czechia's eye and tore off one of Poland's wings? He walked to them, still drowning in guilt and the two Slavic countries could practically smell it.
'Germany, it's not your fault. You still saved us.'
'Yeah Germany! You helped us a lot and we wouldn't be here with the best boyfriend if you didn't exist.' Czechia added. The "best boyfriend" part made Germany blush which made Poland and Czechia giggled like a ton of five year olds.

Germany wrapped his wings around the Slavic countries, smiling a bit before they finished the movie. Czechia let out light snores while laying on Germany's lap while Poland was holding on Germany's wing thinking it was a blanket, luckily it was a non sensitive spot so Germany could take Poland's hand off easily. He shook his black wings a little like a wet dog from a bath and picked up the two sleeping nations and walking to their shared bedroom. He placed them down gently and took off his glasses before joining them while the two snuggled up to him.

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