fifty three; hand in my pocket

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Kurt had managed to coerce Vee into staying for a glee club meeting.

She was reluctant at first, but upon hearing about how Rachel was his co-director, she knew he would need as much help as possible. Besides, the extra bonus of seeing Sam wasn't so bad.

However, Vee wanted absolutely nothing to do with the glee club. She didn't want any more of the drama that came with it and she certainly didn't want to face Sue's wrath when she would discover that she was a part of it.

But she was also happy for the kids who managed to find a safe space in the choir room and were finding their talent. She wasn't one to stand in the way of the dreams of the young, she wasn't that jaded.

She didn't know the members, but apparently, they knew her. The girl with the red hair wasn't too hard to miss. Anyway, from what she remembered, there was the kid with the headphones, the one who transferred from Dalton, and the creepy cheerleader twins.

Sitting cross-legged between Santana and Quinn, she began to sketch another design when Santana peeked over her shoulder.

"Working on something?" she asked curiously.

"Yup. Since I'm expecting complete and utter disappointment, I'm starting fresh and designing something new," Vee said absentmindedly as she sketched.

"Don't expect disappointment," Quinn shook her head in disapproval. "You're a finalist, top two. You did your own prom dress — twice — and you're the most creative and talented fashion designer any of us know."

Vee mustered a small grin at Quinn's comment. She was laser-focused on her new design — if she wasn't satisfied with this new collection, she was hopeless and done for. Her career would be over before it even began, and she would be stuck working five jobs to pay rent.

"Designer?" a new, unfamiliar voice that sounded excited popped up.

Looking away from her sketchbook for the first time since she'd gotten into the choir room, she saw Dalton girl with an eager expression staring at her. The first thing she'd noticed about her was just how gorgeous she was, she was enthralled looking at her.

"Yeah," Vee nodded in response. "I majored in fashion design, and I'm hoping to be one. I just entered this fashion thing and I'm a finalist."

"Wow," she replied in amazement. "You must be Vee, then. I'm Jane," she introduced herself politely. "Do all of you glee alumni end up so successful?"

"Hell yeah," Santana instantly responded. "Blondie over there is a Yale graduate, another one just released an album — Mercedes Jones, you've probably heard of her by now, and of course, Rachel had her fifteen minutes of fame. You know ... before everything."

"Now that I think about it, Rachel's bad life decisions are sort of connected to the glee club," Vee said, coming to an epiphany. "I mean, Mr Schue treated us like we meant nothing to him while putting Rachel on this untouchable pedestal. He treated her like a God, meaning she acted like a spoilt diva, resulting in her thinking she could do whatever she wanted. Which led to her inevitable failure."

"I used to hate Mr Schue for neglecting me, for giving away my solos and using me for writing. I'm grateful for it now. I can handle rejection because he taught me that life is a bitch," she concluded her long rant to stares of horror and disbelief.

Whew. That felt good. But she may have gone a little too far, especially when she knew Jane was listening.

"Welcome, everyone, to our very first Glee Club rehearsal," Rachel said as she walked into the room, applause echoing throughout it. "First, I would like to welcome back our distinguished alumni who have so graciously agreed to stay an extra week. So, thank you, thank you, thank you."

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