thirty seven; night fever

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Kurt's place had always been the favourite for sleepovers — Burt and Carole were absolute sweethearts who would often supply them with ice cream or cake, and he had the best room. There was also always that added bonus of seeing Finn. He would act reluctant to watch Notting Hill with them but would start sobbing when Julia Roberts confesses her love to Hugh Grant while the trio would hold back tears. It was a match made in heaven.

"Okay, let's just get this out of the way, what are we watching?" Kurt asked as Mercedes braided Vee's hair.

Pulling out a stack of DVDs, Kurt looked horrified as she showed it to them one by one. "Barbie as Rapunzel. Classic," she stated, holding it up.

"Oh, no, not the weasel movie," Mercedes said in dismay.

Ignoring her comment, she picked up the next DVD. "The Cheetah Girls. Incredible," she said as Kurt nodded approvingly, Mercedes holding a pleased expression.

"And Jawbreaker. Never seen it, but I heard it was good," she shrugged, tossing the DVDs over to him. Kurt was not too fond of the choices — particularly the Barbie movie, Vee had played that one too many times — but had decided to keep quiet. They did say she could choose the movies.

A knock on the door signalled that someone was there, and soon after Kurt shouted 'Come in,' Finn popped his head through the door as a smile spread across Vee's face.

"Hey, Finn, you wanna watch some movies with us?" Vee asked, looking at the small crack in the door.

He shot them that lopsided grin he did all too much. "I'm good, but my mom asked me to give this to you," he tossed a small paper bag at her and she thankfully caught it. Opening it up, the smell of freshly baked cookies filled the air and she knew that Carole had baked them cookies once again.

"Tell her we say thanks," Vee replied as Finn gave them a quick wave, shutting the door.

She immediately took a bite out of one, making a mental note that she had to thank Carole once more the next chance she got. She offered one to Mercedes, but she shook her head as she was still braiding her hair.

"We haven't had one of these in forever," Vee pointed out as she continued to eat her cookie.

"Because of all the drama between you two," Kurt gave them the side-eye as he grabbed a cookie from the bag.

"Don't bring that up," Vee rolled her eyes. "That was a whole mess."

Mercedes hummed in agreement. "All that arguing over some boy."

"Hey, that boy is my boyfriend," Vee said with fake annoyance. "It sucked back then. I missed you guys like crazy."

"I did, too," Mercedes nodded.

"Alright, enough moping, I'd actually prefer to watch that awful Barbie movie instead of throwing a pity party," Kurt said, shaking his head as though he was clearing the memories of their feud.

"So does that mean — "

"No, we are watching that one last," Kurt demanded almost immediately.

Vee rolled her eyes, snatching the bag of cookies for herself. "You guys are no fun."

"I seriously regret letting her choose the movies for tonight," Kurt ignored her and talked to Mercedes.

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