thirty eight; saving all my love

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It was Whitney Houston week, and after a touching tribute number from Mercedes, Santana, Kurt, and Rachel, Mr Schue had decided to make it their assignment for the week. He did seem pretty misguided with the whole thing, though, by trying to understand them, he isolated them. At least an effort was being made?

"You know, I would love to sing a tribute song, I just don't think I have the voice for it," Vee stated, standing at Kurt's locker as he looked down at his phone, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Yeah ... " he replied absentmindedly, still staring at his phone.

"And I'm gonna rejoin the Cheerios," she said to test out whether he was actually paying attention.

"Right ... " he responded.

So he wasn't paying attention. She peered over his phone, but couldn't read anything for the time being. "Who are you texting?" she asked, suspicion clear in her voice.

"No one," he responded as he typed out a text. 

She glanced down at his phone, reading the name 'Chandler' upside-down. Eyes growing wide, she snatched the phone right out of his hands and started scanning through the texts.

"Kurt, what the hell?" her mouth hung open as she read the texts. "This is literally emotional cheating."

"No, it's not," he dismissed the comment. "It's completely innocent," he said defensively.

She scoffed, glancing at the very flirtatious exchange between them. "Completely innocent my ass. I bet Blaine doesn't know about those texts," she said as Kurt held a guilty expression. "This Chandler guy is gonna break you guys up. And I love you two together so I don't want that."

"You're being overdramatic. Nothing bad is going to happen to me and Blaine," he rolled his eyes, taking his phone back and shutting it off.

Vee stared at him in concern, running her fingers through her hair. "Kurt, if he finds out about these ... "

"He won't," he replied firmly.

"He should. If you lie about this, that's making you look totally guilty. Honesty is the most important part of a relationship," she said a little too condescendingly. She didn't like lecturing her friends, but she felt as though it was necessary in this case. She knew what lying could do to a relatively healthy relationship.

"Like you would know about that," he narrowed his eyes.

"Excuse me?" she questioned in disbelief. She hadn't gotten into an argument with him in a while, and she certainly didn't want to get into one about something as sensitive as this.

"Didn't your boyfriend go behind your back and date your best friend? And didn't Santana tell you instead of either of them?" he crossed his arms.

He did not just go there. The past was in the past, and she forgave the both of them. Well, maybe she didn't completely forgive them, but she believed in second chances, and she knew they were worth the risk. She did, however, still feel some hurt from the fling. She couldn't deny that.

And Kurt knew it. By opening this can of worms, he rehashed the emotions felt from those early months. She didn't like it.

"That's different — "

"Is it? You're so under his spell you forgave both of them like it's nothing when it's a big deal. So before you lecture me about my relationship, get some self-respect and sort out yours," he snapped, leaving her stunned.

Kurt's expression faltered for a moment, showing something like guilt and remorse. Vee crossed her arms, feeling very hurt by the string of words that had just left his mouth.

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