forty eight; lovefool

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It was the opening night of Funny Girl.

And Rachel was having a meltdown.

It was hard not to blame Tina for the incident — she had told Rachel about the terrible reviews independent bloggers were writing about — but Vee wanted to cut her some slack.

Everyone had gone into her room to attempt to get her back to normal, or at least to comfort her. Vee had absolutely no idea what to do as she wasn't the greatest friends with Rachel. They didn't know each other well in high school and they barely had anything in common.

Fake notes from Barbra Streisand, guitar tunes, and encouraging words did not do anything to help Rachel and her slump. And Vee was not thrilled that it was her turn to go in and try.

So, she decided to instead bring her a box of chocolates and hope for the best.

"Rachel?" Vee said gently as she entered her room.

"What?" she said, voice broken and clearly upset. "Is it your turn now?"

"Well, yeah, but I'm not here out of necessity," she said in the most assured voice she could.

Rachel sat up, throwing the covers off her. Vee showed her the heart-shaped box of chocolates. Sighing, Rachel patted the seat next to her as Vee walked towards it.

Handing her the box, she opened it and unwrapped a single chocolate, Vee following her lead. They were both exhausted and needed comfort, and obviously, they weren't fit to give it to each other.

"Look, I don't know you that well, but I know how you're feeling. And I also know when I'm feeling that way, these make me feel so much better," Vee said supportively.

"You know the feeling of not being able to live your dream because hundreds of people are praying for your downfall?" Rachel questioned.

Vee knew her less-than-amicable attitude was simply a wall she built to shield her true nature, so she didn't go hard on her. Rachel acted bossy and headstrong — and to a certain aspect, she was — but under all those layers, she was still a human being with feelings. And she'd gone through far too much over the past year to not have a breakdown.

"I know the feeling of not being good enough. Feeling like the world hates you and you're alone in everything. It sucks, and no one should go through it. You've had a tough year so I'm going to let you breathe," Vee said, hopeful Rachel would stop acting so cold.

"Look, you don't have to believe what I'm saying, but I'm not gonna give you any pep talks, I'm just going to leave you with these," she gestured to the chocolates.

Standing up, she gave her one last smile as she walked out. But before she could draw the curtains, Rachel cleared her throat.

"I, um, these are really bad for my voice, but thanks," she smiled sincerely.

"Why would it matter if they're bad for your voice if you're not performing?" Vee asked before finally leaving, wishing Rachel would at least realise the mistake she was making by giving up her dream.

As she stepped out of Rachel's room, she got the shock of her life when she saw her best friend taking off her coat, presumably to comfort Rachel. Gasping loudly (and dramatically), she ran as fast as she could to tackle Santana into a hug.

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