nine; valerie

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It was Friday night, and Vee sat in Breadstix with Kurt and Blaine awkwardly. Kurt had announced his departure from McKinley and Vee couldn't hide her devastation. She had been hanging around Tina and Mercedes lately as Sam seemed a little preoccupied.

"So, Vee," Blaine cleared his throat, trying to make conversation. "You're a cheerleader, that's pretty cool."

"She's the co-captain," Kurt said proudly.

Vee shook her head in embarrassment. "My dad used to make me do dance and cheer when I was a kid. I quit when I got to middle school," she explained.

"So you can sing and dance, you'll be stiff competition at sectionals," Blaine commented.

"That's why I'm counting on the New Directions to win," Vee teased.

Blaine made a face, shaking his head. "I'm not so sure about that," he sipped on his milkshake. It was strange, Kurt had ordered the exact same one. "So, why'd you quit cheer?"

"I wanted to grow up really fast. I thought that stopping something that I'd loved since childhood would do the trick, but I just sabotaged myself," Vee explained.

Blaine nodded. "At least your back into it now, and from what Kurt said, you must be amazing."

Vee smiled confidently. "I am."

"So, anyway, is Kurt doing alright? Do I need to visit? Because I absolutely will."

"You just want the coffee," Kurt rolled his eyes.

"It's the brand my mom likes," Vee shot back.

Blaine chuckled at the two friends. Even if Kurt had had terrible things happen to him at Mckinley, it was nice to know that he still had friends he could turn to.

They all quieted down once more, this time with Vee breaking the silence. "It's so quiet without you. I have no one to talk to about Finn's questionable wardrobe," she joked. "I'm sorry I didn't do anything more, I should've been a better friend."

"You did what you could," Kurt responded. "But since you brought up Finn's questionable wardrobe ... "

"You should've seen the shoes," Vee shook her head, sipping her ice cold water.

"Please don't say he wore Crocs," Kurt cringed, flinching away.

Vee made a face. "Oh, God no. He lives with you, I expect better."

The banter and gossip continued until all three of them finished their food and the sky was dark. Kurt had gone off, giving both of them a tight hug and a wave as he left to get into Finn's car.

"And then there were two," Vee smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Blaine let out a short laugh. "Do you have a ride back? I wouldn't want you to walk all the way home."

"What a gentleman," Vee placed her hand on her heart. "I think Puck completely forgot about me, so I don't."

"You don't have your license?" he asked curiously.

Vee shook her head, smiling. "I'm working on it," she said. "I have my permit, but no car to drive in. And I kind of suck at driving either way, so I don't think I should be trusted with any car."

Blaine nodded. "I get it. I just got my license and I still have problems with parallel parking."

"Exactly," Vee snapped her fingers. "Wait, aren't you younger than me?"

Blaine chuckled. "I am."

He stood up, offering a hand to Vee. He was nicer than any guy she'd ever been on a date with — a real one, at least. She knew exactly why Kurt liked him.

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