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Alex smoothed her hair as she walked down the hall towards her husband's office. Today, she felt beautiful and couldn't wait to see if her husband agreed.

"Hi." A cheerful red-head smiled, as Alex turned the corner. For the last ten years that Trevor has worked here, he never had an assistant, but now he does.

"Um, hello. Who are you?" Alex asked nervously, as she looked the younger woman over.

The woman sitting in front of Alex was younger than Alex, and she was very well endowed. Alex felt her face grow red, and Alex felt incredibly uncomfortable at the moment. Alex didn't feel great about herself anymore, especially as she compared herself to the woman sitting there.

"Tina, I'm Mr. Langan's assistant. At the moment, he isn't taking any visitors." Tina smiled as she shifted in her spot.

Alex swallowed hard before glancing at the closed door.

"I'm not just any visitor, Tina. So I'm going to-" Before Alex could even reach for the handle, Tina was moving in front of her. Tina gave Alex a small smile, but it was far from being kind and sincere.

"I really don't care who you are, honey. Mr. Langan isn't taking any visitors right now, because he's a very busy man. I will tell him that his maid stopped by." Tina grinned, before fanning Alex away.

Alex took a slow breath and forced a smile.

"It's Alexandra Langan. I'm going to see my husband, and no one can stop me." Alex snapped, before reaching for the handle again.

This time, Tina slapped Alex's hand away.

"You aren't his type, honey. So please show yourself out."

Alex bit her lip and felt like continuing to fight, but when Tina spoke to her, she felt worse. 

"Fine, I'll leave. But he's not going to appreciate the way you treated me." Alex huffed as tears burned her blue eyes.

Alex turned on her heel and walked away as tears slipped down her cheeks. She tried to brush them away, but they just wouldn't stop.


Trevor got home much later than Alex had expected. When he got home, his tie wasn't on and the first few buttons on his dress shirt were unbuttoned.

"Hey, baby." Trevor smiled as he walked into the penthouse and to where his wife was sitting on the couch. She was curled up under her favorite blanket, a glass of wine in hand.

"Hi." Alex whispered.

"How was your day?" Trevor asked, as he kissed the top of Alex's head before moving in front of her. She quickly looked him over, and hated that he looked relaxed.

All she could imagine was Tina fucking her husband. That her husband's assistant kissed Trevor's lips, how she should only be allowed to.

"Lex? Are you okay?" Trevor asked worriedly. Alex looked up from her glass before locking eyes with her husband.

"When were you going to tell me you were getting an assistant?"

"I kept fighting them on it, but with my caseload, the DA insisted I get one. So yesterday I got her. But how did you know? I kinda forgot." Trevor chuckled softly, but his laughter faded as he saw a tear slip down his wife's cheek.

"Tina is beautiful, Trev. She's so young and I'm sure you love how big her boobs are."

"Boobs? Alex, I don't know why you think I even care about her looks."

"If you didn't, you would have come home with your tie on... with none of your skin showing on your chest because your shirt would have been buttoned... Your hair wouldn't be messy, but you wouldn't have slept with her!" Alex yelled.

Trevor froze for a moment before frowning deeply. He took a step towards his wife before squatting down in front of her. She was trying to chug her wine, so Trevor let her finish before taking the glass from her.

"Lex, I got relaxed at work because I was tired and wanted to be comfortable while finishing up my work... My hair is messy because I had the windows open on the way home... this bruise on my neck, if you remember, it was caused by your lips last night in bed. Baby, I fell in love with you many years ago and all I want is you."

"Stop lying to me." Alex hiccupped, as she tossed her blanket to the side before climbing off the couch. Trevor frowned as he followed his wife into their bedroom.

"I would never cheat on you, love! There is no woman on Earth that I could love more than you!"

"Really? Because-"

"No, Lex! Tina is gone. I'll ask for another assistant if you want! I don't want her to make you uncomfortable!"

"She said I wasn't your type." Alex whimpered, as she stared Trevor in the eyes.

"You are my type, Alexandra. The moment we met, I was head-over-heels in love with you. Every day since, there has been only one person I have ever wanted."

Alex swallowed hard before reaching out and pushing Trevor's collar down. She stared at the hickey on his neck before giving him a nervous smile.

"We got pretty busy last night... we both won big cases, so the celebration was much bigger." Alex said, as a blush grew on her cheeks.

"Are you good, baby? Do you trust me?"

"Don't fire her yet, Trev. I want to go down there and prove to her I'm your type. That I drive you crazy."

"Okay, so does your body drive me crazy, or just you in general?" Trevor teased. Alex smacked her husband's chest before hugging him tightly.

They stayed in the embrace for a long moment before Trevor leaned away and kissed the tip of Alex's nose. Alex let out a small laugh before sighing.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too, Lex. More than you can ever imagine."

The first chapter in this book is a request from DescendantsLove8 ! I hope you all enjoyed! :)

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