UCW Extra 3: Fairy Tail vs Anti-Rebellion vs Jin Sakai and Sekiro

Start from the beginning

Waluigi: Oh yeah. I did have a hand in kicking this issue onto next gear didn't i?. Good, after all, it has led to a situation where you both are with your backs against the walls.

Renamon: You know, you are quite infuriating.

Waluigi: I bet your tag team partner could say the same after you. Plus, being hated 24/7 does lead to this.

Renamon: However, just like you may hate the crowd, no one knows how much i dislike you both.
Everyone is aware of Mad Leomon holding a grudge but what about me?. The person who even if getting a title and managing to get one over him still has to deal with as their tag team champion. I had to deal with the backlash down the line. I AM A VICTIM TOO you know?!.

Waluigi: Woah woah woah!. Calm down there, i thought you were the calmness of the duo.

Renamon: *coughs a bit as an "ehem"* Yeah, my bad for losing my cool. Anyways, everyone talks about you both paying for your actions against Mad Leomon when they forget that while he was a victim, i was too due to dealing with him and that is why i need to retain these titles as much as i do not like Leomon over here.
I need revenge, i need to get one over you both.
After all, imagine if the so called weak link of the team beat one of you two Waluigi who are almost unstoppable be it singles or tag team matches.
Imagine if you two lost against a team who you are supposedly superior to.

Waluigi: You talk a lot about imagining and all that jazz when in reality all you want is to be the strongest and for that you need to beat us.
But guess what?, fact says that only twice one of you two beat one of us and it wasn't you!.
Hell, it wasn't even clean one of those so it doesn't count according to us. What i'm truing to say Renamon is that just like at Genesis 1, i will be victorious over you only that in a tag team match and for the tag team titles.
Because newsflash, the Greedy Bastards just are superior to Digimon and specially you and fact shows so and there's nothing you can do about it.

*The segment ends with both teams face-to-face as the champions raise their titles and the challengers look at them as the crowd is just silent and tense for a brawl could break out at any moment*

2- *we see Anti-Rebellion's Zarya and Neun now coming down to the ring as the crowd boos them and grabbing a pair of mics*

Zarya: The time has come for the tripme threat for our titles and we aren't losing them specially considering our challengers are more focused on each other than us.

Neun: Yes, Gray and Natsu may be a solid unit deep below that typical fight of theirs but at the same time they aren't smart enough to pull one over us and deal with Jin and Sekiro.

Zarya: And speaking of Jin and Sekiro, you two should be grateful we agreed to give you another title match considering your track record on big time matches. You two are just getting this because we WANT to give you another title shot after the mess Fairy Tail caused last time.

Neun: Also, at least with Fairy Tail even if cockiness from Gray we have a duo that know they're good in the ring whereas you two essentially may have a good performance but just can't get your jobs done initially and need a kick in the butt to do so.

*Here we see Jin Sakai and Sekiro coming down to the ring while also being booed by the crowd as they're kind of getting sick of them getting big time possibility one after another*

Jin: Okay, we do agree that we may not seal the deal right away unlike you two and Enri but at the same time, it's not like you are extent of that issue...am i right Neun?.

Neun: Whatever do you mean Jin?.

Jin: It is quite simple, it may not be perceptible to some people but to me and Sekiro who have had to do shady stuff to get our missions done, it is evident that you don't want to do some of the stuff you do in the ring.

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