Wanna try?

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Authors note :
All my stories are dedicated to my best friend! So I added some details that u might find confusing if you aren't her lmao, thought I should warn you <3 anyways hope u enjoy~


The music was loud in my ears. The alcohol was buzzing inside my body as I looked around, with my empty drink in one hand. I planned on not getting drunk today but I guess how can you not when-

"Y/n!!! Here! Let's do another shot!" My best friend shouted in my ear bumping on my shoulders as she handed me a drink. " This is are third shot Luna! I told you I won't get shit faced today!" I screamed back at her as we obviously couldn't hear eachother. Luna made a face at what said. "You're at a club y/n, ur supposed to get shit faced here" she replied with a 'are you serious' face. But before I had the chance to reply she was dragged away by one of her friends to the dance floor and obviously she went without looking back. I rolled my eyes but had a fond smile on my face. She's definitely the party animal of us two.

"Hey there beautiful" I heard a voice next to me. I turned my head and eyed down the man who sat down next to my seat. He had short black hair, wearing full black and a smirk was decorating his face. He also seemed tall as hell tho. My curious eyes turned disinterested. I turned my head back towards the dance floor. "Hi" I replied back, bored.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Oh god this man is not giving up. I turned my head back to him and was about to say something rude but I saw a genuine smile. It calmed me down a bit but I was still feeling irritated as I was partially drunk but not drunk enough to not know what I am doing. I took the drink that Luna left me and showed him with a wave as I sent a tight smile. I resumed watching the dance floor as I sipped on the hard liquid praying that this man would take a damn hint and leave me alone.

"Do you usually come here?" Nope. He spoke again. I was trying so hard to be nice. "Listen" I paused and turned towards him. "You're nice and kind of handsome, you could definitely score a girl. But that is not me. I am not interested so you can leave" I said making eye contact with him.

But it didn't even effect him. "Ooh fierce. I like you already. What's your name?" I couldn't fight back rolling my eyes at this man. "Are u an idiot? I literally just told you I am not interested. Please get the fuck out of my face" my patience ran out and I slapped my palm against the table.

I watch his eyes turned angry. The urge to roll my eyes again came back but I simply just turned my head to the side. Men will always be men.

"What did you just say?" He asked in a deep voice as he stood up. I smirked.

I repeated his actions and stood up keeping my eyes on him. He's full 6'1 and I'm only 5'6. "I said. You. Are an idiot" my smirk was on full action as he crowded my space as if trying to intimidate me. I kept my head high, glaring at him, not a tiny bit scared.

"What are you gonna do? Hit me?" I asked the asshole with a slight giggle in my voice.

"Yeah. You wanna try that?"

I heard a deep voice behind me. My smirk widen knowing exactly who it was.

I felt his body behind me, standing tall, challenging the asshole in front of me. I can imagine his face. Probably jaw clenched, eyes glaring at the man. I fight back a giggle as I watched asshole swiftly apologize, eyes going up and down at me before backing away, leaving us.

As soon as he was a few feet away I turned my body, throwing my hands around his neck and pulling him down for a chaste kiss.

His hands that were crossed in his chest went to my waist as he pulled me even closer, not breaking the kiss.

This. This is what I needed. This is home.

I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. Giggling when he tried to chase my lips.
My face was still close to his, noses touching and I can see how his eyes sparkle while looking at mine. It made me fill with a huge amount of love knowing this man is mine.

"You're late. Again" I whispered against his lips. "I know baby. I'm sorry. Yoongi hyung wanted my help in finishing his song and we got carried away." He explained giving me a quick peck.

"I'll forgive you, because you're cute" I replied playfully. I saw how his eyes shine. Every detail is visible when I'm this close and I never get fired of anything even after all these years. He playfully bite my lower lip, making me gasp. "Only because I'm cute? Not because I'm your soon to be husband?" "Hmm.. maybe cuz of that too" I giggled when he glared at me. I love how he would make me feel like we're the only two people in the world even if we are in the middle of a crowded club.

"And that asshole-" his eyes went dark. "You can't let those assholes near you okay. Where's Luna? What if I wasn't there in time to protect you on time y/n?" He asked while looking around, probably eyeing the people that were around me. Amd I feel his arms tighten around me. I rolled my eyes for the nth time tonight. "The self defense lessons I took from Jungkook wasn't for nothing you know? Plus I knew you would come and save me joonie" I gave him a big smile. I feel drunk. But no longer from alcohol but the person that's in front of me.

"You can't know for sure." He pouted as I cooed at him. "Okay okay you big baby. I'll be more careful." He looked at me with sparkles in his eyes and I feel a huge amount of love in my heart for this man.

He leaned down and buried his face in my neck. "Are you ready to go love?"

"Yeah I am." I smiled at his cute action. "But I need to check on Luna first" I tried pulling away from the hug but he pulled me back in.

"No need to worry about her. I saw Jimin hyung speed walked towards Luna as she was dancing with some random guy" he mumbled into my neck.

I laughed out loud "oh guess someone's in trouble." I felt him smiled.

"Okay then! Lead the way your majesty" he let me pull away from the hug but not before one if his hands grabbing my butt and squeezing it. I gasped as I slapped his chest. "She's not the only one" Joon said with a smirk. Oh fuck that was hot.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything to be in trouble?" I was confused.

"I found something interesting at home today.." he trailed off as i felt the hand that was on my butt go up towards my back and rub soothing circles. "..I opened one of your drawers and I found a photobook" my eyes widen in realization. "I- it's not-" I tried to say but he cut me off. "I didn't want to open it initially but then I had to after I saw the cover. And there were so many photos of bangchan inside" his voice got lower. "Hmm.. should I be worried my love?" How the fuck did he go from cute and sweet to a totally daddy?

"No-" I tried to explain but I got cut off from a gasp left my lips as one of his hands gripped my hair, and harshly pulling it back. The pain going straight to between my legs.

His leaned down and nosed my throat, leaving small kisses. I closed my eyes at the sensations, my knees almost giving out but his strong hold kept me up.  "You can explain." a kiss "While I am giving your punishment" he sucked hard on one spot of my neck, making me whimper. I am such a goner for him. "Understood?" I nodded numbly, completely at the mercy of this man.

"Good girl. Let's get out of here then"

And I have never ran towards the car so fast in my life.

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