Stolen kisses

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"Y/N WAKE THE FUCK UP BEFORE I SLAP THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU" I sat up straight as I was taken away from dreamland hearing a loud voice near my ear. "wha- who- how the fuck you get I here" I started wide eyes, then narrowed them seeing the person in front of me. "Good morning to you too. Now that your up let's get you dressed right now" luna, my best friend, says while clapping her hands and a bright smile on her face like she didnt just scared the shit out of me.

I grumbled and laid down again, covering my face with the blanket. "Nooooo dont want to" I whined to the pillow, my voice slightly muffled. "You have 20 minutes to get ready, and if u are even a minute late we would miss the bus and would be late on the first day of the semester. Well your choice" I can feel the smirk of her voice. Sometimes I just wanna kill her.

I mumbled some curse words before getting up and giving a glare to luna, which she replied with another eye blinding smile, and went to the washroom.

Ugh. I forgot what waking up early feels like. It's annoying.

After getting a bath, I felt pretty fresh so I kicked luna out of the room and decided to actually start getting ready before I'm late.

"Finally, the princess finished getting ready" luna said with a eye roll as I walked down the stairs to find her sitting with my mum. I ignored her and went to say good bye to mum. "I'll just take the breakfast mum I can eat it on the way" I muttered giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Okay dear, have a good day at school!" She said while I waved at her, leaving out the door with my best friend.

"Dude! Did u see the party last week?! It was sick!! The highlight was how senior joon was giving body shots to the prettiest girl in the whole damn school!! Look at this!" Luna showed me her phone with excited eyes. I slightly looked at it, and saw how close senior joon was with the girl. It made my blood boil. I just rolled my eyes muttering a yeah yeah, hoping she would drop the subject. Gladly she changed the subject on gushing about how hot senior min looked doing those body rolls and hip thrusts. "Remmbed that's my cousin your talking about" I said while giving her the eye. "When did that ever stop me from saying anything?" I jus shrugged "good point. But just keep it low, it's weird u thirsting over him" she just gave me a wink in return. "Hes gon be your future in laws" luna said while flipping her short hair, making me hit her head. "Get out of your imagination it's not good in there"

We finally arrived at the school, parting in two different directions cuz we got different classes it seems.

The classes were a blur as I tried to concentrate but my mind kept replying the scene of senior joon and that girl at the party. Why am I mad at it you ask? I got a fat crush on the handsome senior. It's not even my fault! I met him through jimin hyung, and he would always flirt with me. Telling me nicknames and stuff, hence him being drooling handsome and a genius (which is a plus one) how can you not fall for him?

The day went by in a flash as I'm already plopping onto bed, exhausted. I sighed, relaxing as I thought of getting a small nap before doing my homework. But that thought was quickly shattered as I heard my phone ring. I groaned loudly, cursing whoever decided to call me.

"What?" I asked annoyed, not even bothering to check the name. "Woah woah sister? Wrong time?" The voice on the other line replied, slightly amused. "I was about to sleep hyung, what do you want?" I whined at the last part, already half asleep. "Well actually I wanted to invite you to this party on this Friday." "What? Me? Why? You never invite me for parties?" I asked confused. "Yeah you, and most of all the juniors are attending it plus it's going to be a lit party as we all are going! And someone wanted you to come I guess" I can hear the smirk on his voice "wait what? Who?" I questioned embarrassed but kind of excited? "You will find out. Also is teeny coming?" He asked a bit nervous. "Well do you want her to come?" Its my turn to smirk now. "W-what? Me? Pfft it's better if she dont come. I dont care. Sure." He rushed making me burst out laughing. "Yes luna will come you idiot" I said chuckling. He sighed in relief before bidding goodbye and cutting the call.

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