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"yes I'll get it done by the weekend sir. Thank you for your patience" I give a forced smile bowing down as I left the office.

I sighed as the wind blows my hair, waiting for the Uber to arrive.
"Honey?" I said while I made my way through the front door. "Give me a sec!" I heard his reply and I started removing the straps of my heels while massaging my sore ankle.

"Baby?" I heard the voice of my husband that I've been longing to hear all day. I looked up and saw his angelic smile. And I started walking to his open arms. I felt the tension on my shoulders lessen with every step I take towards him. "Come hear" namjoon whispered before engulfing me in his buff arms as I happily buried my face in his chest sighing in relief. My arms snaked around his waist as his are around my shoulders.

"I missed you" i whispered slightly muffled. I felt his arms tightened around me. "You saw me today morning" I can feel his smile while saying that. "Don't care" I replied not having any energy in me to argue, closing my eyes and enjoy his warmth. He didn't say anything instead gave me a long kiss on my hair and rocked us back and forth. I could sleep right here. This is more comfortable and calming than any bed.

"Come on love, you haven't even eaten dinner" he said quietly as if he's afraid to break this calming sense. "Joonie noooooo" I whined as I literally attached myself onto him not letting him go. I felt his laugh rumble in his chest and heard a small 'you're adorable'. I ignored it and kept my arms tightly around him feeling myself falling into slumber bit by bit.

"Put ur legs around me baby. You need to get something in your stomach. I'm not letting you go to bed if not" namjoon left no room to argue so I complied and jumped up, wrapping my legs around him as he supported my weight with his hands under my thighs.

I leaned back and saw his pretty smile, which immediately made me break out in a smile despite how tired I was. I leaned down and pecked him on his lips making his smile widen. Once, twice and the third time he was laughing in delight and I was mesmerized by the sight. "I forgot how clingy u are when ur too tired or drunk." He said in a amused tone as he made his way to the kitchen, I didn't reply instead I leaned down and playfully bite his neck. I felt a sharp but not too painful sting as one of his hand came down on my thigh. "No fooling around, you need to eat" the authority in his voice made me bite my lip but I was too tired so I did nothing except give a innocent kiss to his jaw. he was moving and arranging the plates, all as I was hanging onto him like a koala. His display of strength really surprise me sometimes. It's hot.

"I ordered takeout from your favorite, so you need to eat everything okay? I'll feed you" Joon said sitting down, with me on his lap. I'm honestly so glad I have an amazing husband. I don't know what I would have done without him. I looked at him with literally heart eyes as he unpacked the boxes. He caught my eyes and asked "what?" With a small laugh. "I love you" I said sincerely watching his eyes light up. "And I, love you" he replied while kissing my nose. "But you have to eat so stop being cute okay? I can't concentrate" I laughed while giving him a kiss but I stopped seeing how he playfully glared at me.

Dinner was everything I could ask for. Namjoon didn't ask me anything about work, he knows he's my safe place away from all the stress from works. He knows Im less talkative when I'm tired and did all the talking for me, while I listened with a smile and nod or make a comment when I feel like. It's amazing how he can make me forget all the shit about work in just a second. Namjoon animatedly talked about his day, how yoongi hyung almost threw him an orange and how his new song is coming up, all while feeding me the food he bought. His other hand had been massaging my neck, which work miracles cuz Im so relaxed, full, happy and just feeling blissed out. And it's not even sex. It's just being with namjoon. I would rather have this than sex anytime.

Dinner was perfect, HE was perfect.

After we finished eating he picked me up and dropped me on the kitchen counter as he got the plates to wash. "Joon i-" I got interrupted. "Ah ah. Not a word. You've had a long day at work and I want to spoil you for tonight. You have been working so hard too baby. I admire you for that. You're amazing you know? So just let me do this for you okay? Please?" I almost teared up at that. I think i already did cuz he came and gave me a big bear hug similar to the one before. "thank you" I whispered to his shoulder which I used as a shield to protect myself from all the shit from the outside world. He pulled away, wiped my tears and cupped my face with his big hands. And giving me a long meaningful kiss before sliding away to wash the dishes. He really is my home.

Namjoon quickly finished cleaning before I got too impatient and went to him myself. He came back to my side picking me up just like a koala as I wrapped my legs around his waist and carried me to the bathroom. "I drew you a bath baby. So take your time and clean yourself okay? I'll be outside because I'll be tempted to do something you're too tired to, if I stay longer" he said with a smirk and playful glint in his eyes. I slapped his chest with a weak "heyaa!" And red cheeks. He chuckled, gave me a kiss and left the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I looked around and saw everything set up. The bathtub is full with water and bubbles, there's a glass of wine and book next to it which I know I won't use because I'm too tired, and even the clothes and towels are prepared. It's as if he knows I would be tired and had a long day, he did everything to make me feel better. I quicky got out of my clothes and climbed in before my thoughts go too far and I start crying again.
By the time I got out of the bathroom, I am feeling fully fresh, relaxed and all the stress is gone from my shoulders. Joon really knows me the best.

I looked up as I was coming out of the bathroom seeing a shirtless namjoon already under covers, reading a book. He saw me and immediately kept the book and his reading glasses on the bedside table. "You're done? Come here." He patted the spot next to him with a smile. I smiled back and made my way to my safe place.

I climbed onto the bed after turning the lights off and he immediately wrapped his arms around me and I did the same happily. "For the record, I missed you today too" I smiled at his words before kissing his chest. "Thank you for everything. Not just tonight. For everything you have done for me joonie" I said with all my sincerity and love. He leaned back and looked at me in my eyes.  "I don't understand why you say thank you but you're welcome babe. You know I would do anything for you in a heart beat" his serious tone makes me wanna weep. I love this man so much. so I just smashed my lips against his pouring all my love into the kiss. He responded with the same passion kissing me with everything he got. By the time we both ran out of air and separated, he was on top of me and my lips are swollen from his bites. "I love you" I said with a huge smile for I don't know which time for tonight but I'll never get tired of saying it. "I love you too" or hearing him say it. "Let's sleep baby" he whispered while tucking me onto his arms again. I hummed and closed my eyes, thinking of how I got this damn lucky.

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