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"did you know that manager Soo Yun and vice president Yoon were at a love hotel last night?!"

"What the hell ji eun-ah. How did u even know that?!" I asked in disbelief of my friend. "Sheesh. I know all the stuff happening in this office, what do u take me for?" She replied with a smug face not looking apologetic at all. I ignored her and focussed on completing the report. "Altho the only mystery was I've never seen any girl in angry birds office. Not even a single rumor. Isn't that crazy?" She asked while toying with my Smurf figurine. "Yes so crazy" I said half heartly contemplating whether to throw her out the office or get myself out of here.

It was silent for a few seconds. As I took my, now cold, coffee to my lips to take a sip- "Do you think he's gay?" -to only spit it out after I heard what she said. And started coughing violently. "What? I mean he can be. We've never seen a girl, except you, ever be in a 5 meter radius with him. Nor had anyone visit him in the office, no ring either plus he only has those other 6 friends of his that comes to the office time to time? Honestly I'm not even mad at that cuz they all look so fine. but that only proves the fact that he's gay!" Ji Eun said while throwing her hands around. I looked at her, lost in my thought.

I mean it is possible. With all the facts that ji Eun said, as his secretary, I've never in my two years working seen this man with a female except his mother.

While being in my thoughts, the intercom beeped. I signaled ji Eun to shut up as I answered. "Hello?"

"Report to my office. Now."

"Yes mr.-" and he cut the line. I sighed as my friend gave me pitiful eyes. "Good luck" she said as she left out of the office.

I took a deep breath. Okay now it's time to go face the devil. I anyways had to talk to him, so guess it's better to get over with.

I put my brave face on as I walk up the courage to knock on the door. No matter how many times I've done this, the nerves never go away.

"Come in" I heard a rough voice echo from inside the office as I opened the door and let myself in.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" I asked as I made eye contact with the silhouette sitting on the chair.

"Yes. I need these checked by tomorrow. The China agency expect a full report by Monday as Mr. Yang would be visiting us next month. So it's important to gain their favor by this" he replied fully occupied on whatever he was typing on the laptop.

"Yes of course Mr. Kim. Would that be all?" I asked as I made my way to take the files.

"Yes. Dismissed." Not even taking his eyes off the screen. But then again I'm used to this behavior of him so it did not bother me a bit.

Nevermind that was a lie. The small poke on the heart whenever he does something rude is still there, and it sucks.

"Um. Mr. Kim, i'd like to take a early leave for tomorrow? There are no important meetings, I have double checked the schedule, the evening is free for you and would not be needing my presence" I asked with a nervous smile, afraid of his reaction. The thing is, in my whole two years of working I've never taken a early leave OR a day off. And altho I know it's my right to get one, still can't fight the nerves to see his reaction.

He tipped his head up, looking above his glasses, face still neutral. "Done" he said

My whole face brightened as I smiled genuinely. "Thank you sir. I appreciate it" I bowed as I turned around to leave. I took two steps before I heard the same rough voice.

"Are you going on a date?"

I froze as I turned my head back, kind of shocked on what he asked. "Um. What?" I asked dumbfounded.

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