6. Stalking ex

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Kevin was staring at his phone again.

"Maybe I should change my phone number... again."

He let out a long tired sigh.
I looked at the screen and gasped.
Two-hundred and fifty-three calls in less then a day, all from the same number.

"That's insane..."

It was only a whisper from me but Kevin looked up and gently let his fingers run through my hair before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I know baby, but I'll take care of it."

He pulled me closer while he placed the phone back on the kitchen table.

"But first something else..."

He cheerfully sang as he opened his laptop.

"... I'm going to order some new clothes for you."

He sat down and pulled me on his lap.
I leaned against his firm chest while he started to type and open up some websites.
Slowly my head was turning more and more red from embarrassment while I watched what kind of clothing sites he was opening.
Did he really expect me to start wearing that?
Are those flimsy things even considered clothing?

"What do you think baby? I think you would look great in that while cleaning the house."

I could hear his soft content chuckle while he pointed at a maid outfit.

"It's... uhm... does that even cover anything?"

Kevin started to laugh and wrapped his arms around me, placing small kisses in my neck.

"That is kind of the point love."

A bit horrified and aroused I watched him order multiple items, all lingerie or sexy costumes.
While he was browsing through the available items, his free hand moved under my shirt and started to play with my breasts.
When he found all the things he wanted, he checked his shopping cart.

"Aaah aauw!"

A shock went through my body and not just from the absurd price he was going to pay for all those things, Kevin had still been kissing my neck but now he was sucked on the skin, leaving behind a hickey.
I felt his smirk against my skin, his right hand moved between my legs while his left kept twisting my nipple.

"Open those legs baby, I got you all nice things to wear, you should reward me."

I didn't even think about it and just did what he said, his fingers finding my insides with ease.

"Ow baby, you're already so wet. Were you thinking about all the things I might do to you when you get those outfits?"

"No, ooh."

I moaned while shaking my head.
Why does he always know how to turn me on?
I don't want this, but it feels sooo good.
He took it easy and slowly this time, he kept kissing me and placing hickeys all over my neck.
His thumb was painstakingly slowly drawing circles on my clit while his other hand kept my nipple hard and eager for his teasing.

"Ke-kevin? Pleassee, stop toying with... with me."

He pulled his fingers out making me gasp for air and gently let me slide of his lap.
A bit disappointed he actually stopped, I watched him get up from his chair.
He lifted my chin a bit and stared into my eyes.

"Are you starting to enjoy the things I do to you?"

Before I could answer he placed his finger on my lips and his gaze turned more serious.

"Remember to answer truthfully..."

How was I suppose to answer that?
I don't want him to do this to me, but he does make it feel really good.
If I say no, he's going to punish me for lying.
But if I say yes...
I tried to look away but he grabbed my face a bit more firmly, clicking a bit annoyed with his tongue.
I really should answer his question or I'm in trouble.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now