The Feeling of Happiness

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I stifled a laugh and booped him on the nose. "Your silly daddy thinks you're gonna be a mathematician and not a biologist like your mommy."

"He might become a biologist, but he'll have a healthy interest in mathematics," Tony said. "Won't you kiddo?"

Nova looked up at him. "Bwee?" he said in a little high-pitched voice.

"That's right - it'll be a nice hobby on the side," Tony said.

Nova babbled again and turned back to me, grabbed my breast in both hands, and started to suckle, making funny little snuffling noises as he did.

Bucky, Tony, and I started laughing softly, and I leaned back in the rocker and rocked gently.

"Good being back in our rooms again, huh?" Bucky said as Tony flitted around the room.

"Yeah, I missed sleeping in a bed with everyone," I agreed. "I hate when you guys all split up. Means I'm bed-hopping every night."

"Poor, Elise, has so many people who love her. Woe is her," Tony teased.

I smirked and flipped him off and he turned away from me and laughed. "Good thing the babies didn't see that."

"Yeah, not when I'm the one that wants to teach them to flip you off," Bucky joked.

Tony turned around, biting his bottom lip. "This means war, you realize?"

"Bring it," Bucky replied

Tony sauntered over to Bucky and flopped into his lap, making Bucky make an exaggerated 'oof' sound and break down laughing. "God, you're a pest."

"I pride myself on it," Tony teased.

I smiled as I watched them. It was unusual for Bucky and Tony to be this physically affectionate with each other. Their complicated past and the time it took for them to be comfortable being around each other, hadn't stopped them from forming bonds or considering each other husband, but it did seem to still carry through in a kind of playful antagonism and uncertainty about when and if they could be physical with each other. Seeing them not thinking twice about it was always a happy surprise. It had taken them a lot of years - even after the bonding - to get there.

I smiled and relaxed as I watched Bucky's arm curl around Tony's waist and the two began to doze as the twins fed.

Thour fell asleep at my breast and Tony got up off Bucky's lap and put her back in her bed, tucking her in and patting her side until she was deeply asleep. When Nova finally finished feeding he let go and looked up at me with sleepy eyes and babbled softly.

"You better go to sleep, little one," I said, rubbing his back.

"Don't worry, I've got this," Bucky said and picked him up off my lap. I straightened myself up as Bucky carried Nova to bed and tucked him in.

"Ooh, I bet you're wonderin' how I knew, 'bout your plans to make me blue," Bucky sang as he patted Nova's tummy.

"Is that Marvin Gaye?" Tony asked, over the top of Bucky's singing.

"Don't tell Sam," Bucky said quickly before going straight back to singing. "With some other guy, you knew before."

Tony moved over next to Bucky and joined in on the next line. "Between the two of us guys you know I love you more. It took me by surprise, I must say, when I found out yesterday. Don'tcha know that I heard it through the grapevine. Not much longer would you be mine. Oh, I heard it through the grapevine and I'm just about to lose my mind. Honey, honey, yeah..."

I grinned as I watched them, listening to them sing in harmony. I joined in as backup, singing in harmony on the second lines of the chorus, or the backup harmonies where they came up. Singing the kids to sleep was nothing new. Nor was seeing either Bucky or Steve do it. But together? With a song that Bucky definitely got into because of Sam - well that was special.

When they finished singing Nova was well and truly asleep and I felt like I'd fallen in love all over again.

We headed back to bed and curled up in between them, tucked into the nest of other sleeping bodies. Bucky curled himself around me from behind and pushed his crotch up against my ass. I could feel his erection already growing and I looked back at him with a smirk. "What are you doing?"

"Grinding my erection against your ass," he whispered.

I started silently laughing and Tony reached over me and swatted his arm. "You don't go straight for the back door, don't you know how to woo a lady?" He moved closer to me, pulling my hip over his thigh.

"Which one of us is pushing two hundred again?" Bucky teased.

"You two need to be quiet," I whispered. "Everyone's asleep."

"Correction, darlin', you're gonna need to keep quiet. Can't have everyone waking up because you're a screamer," Bucky teased as his hand ran down my stomach and slipped into my panties. He began to slowly finger my clit and Tony leaned in and kissed my neck. "You think you can keep quiet for us?"

I hummed and nodded. "Yes, Bucky."

"Good," he said and he dipped a finger inside me, drawing out my slick and rubbing it over my clit.

"Because we're going to make you come now, honey," Tony whispered and captured my lips. Tony and Bucky began to slowly rut their hips up and down, sliding their cock along my crevice. Each time they mistimed and their cocks bumped together, they'd let out a low moan.

I reached behind me, tangling my hand in Bucky's hair, and rolled my hips between them. Bucky tried to tug me back towards him and Tony pulled back and looked at him. "Nuh-uh," he scolded in a low voice. "Me first."

Bucky chuckled and nosed at my shoulder as he reached over his head. "I'm not good at waiting for you, Tones. You might need to share the space."

I smacked them both playfully. "Stop talking about me like I'm not a person."

"What? You love it," Tony teased as he slid his cock inside me.

I pressed my face against Tony's neck to stifle the moan he punched out of me. Wanda shifted in her sleep, whimpering softly.

Bucky grabbed the lube from a drawer beside the bed and began to slick his cock. "I think Wanda's having a sex dream because of us," he whispered. "At least from the smell of it she is."

I giggled and leaned back, tugging him down to me by his hair. "Poor Wanda," I whispered and kissed him deeply.

As we kissed, Bucky pressed his cock up against my entrance, and pushing down against Tony's cock, he squeezed inside of me. I'd had a lot of sex that night, and my pussy was puffy from abuse, making it feel like I was stuffed fuller than I was. I pulled back from Bucky with a gasp and Tony quickly pulled me into a kiss to stifle the sound of my moan.

The three of us moved together, slowly rolling our hips, not in a hurry or even particularly energetically. It was sleepy, lovemaking. A momentary connection while we three happened to be awake born from the playful affection we'd shown each other.

I was overworked and hypersensitive from earlier, and despite the slowly lazy quality of our movements, I still reached my climax quickly. I broke from the kiss with Tony and before I could make a sound Bucky's lips were on mine kissing me hard.

For the exact reason I was so sensitive, Bucky and Tony took longer to reach their own climaxes. I came again, and once again I broke from one kiss to be mothered by another. Four times it happened. Each orgasm happening quicker and more intensely, and each one made me break from one kiss only to be smothered by another until I felt pliant like clay and completely fucked out.

After the fourth of my orgasms clenched around them and milked their cocks, Tony shuddered and his hips jerked forward as he came inside me. It dragged my orgasm out and I let my head fall back and I gritted my teeth. As Tony pulled out he reached between my legs and began to tug on Bucky's balls. Bucky gasped and bit down into my shoulder as it sent him over, spilling into me, his come mixing with Tony's.

I relaxed down between them as Bucky wrapped me in his arms, and slipped from within me and Tony curled up against my chest. "You both gonna sleep now?" I murmured.

"Mm-hmm..." Bucky hummed. Tony barely made a comprehensible sound before he was gently snoring in my arms.

The Tower: Happily Ever AfterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora