18. like a drug.

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Chapter 18

This chapter contains sexual content. If you don't want to read it, please skip this chapter.


"Did I ever told you that your hugs feel like home?" I asked him and looked up.
"You didn't. But I'm glad that I feel the same way." He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose.
"I love you." I whispered against his lips.
"I love you too." He whispered back and placed his lips on mine. As we stopped for a moment I looked into his beautiful eyes. He licked his lips and kissed me again.
"You still taste like the cake." He told me.
"You take like cigarette. But I love it." I answered and pushed his head towards mine again.
"I'm getting a glass of water." I whispered and he nodded.

I stood up, went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I took a few sips and went back to Johnny. I placed the glass on the table and sat down on his lap. Each knee next to his hip. I hugged him. He placed a gentle kiss in my neck. But I tried to keep him away from my neck with tilting my head.
"You're ticklish there huh?" He asked and looked up to me.
"Maybe." I told him with a grin.
"Mhmm. I already know." He smirked at me and placed his hands on my hip.
"What do you know?"
"That you're ticklish." He repeated. I bend forward until our lips nearly met. I could feel his breath on my lips.
"Try me." I whispered.

It happened so fast, I didn't even knew that a human was possible to move that fast. But his lips were on my neck. But this time, I didn't pushed him away. I even gave him space. I collected my hair and moved it away from my neck.
Johnny started to gently suck on my neck. The warmth of his lips, tounge and spit was giving me shivers. I let out a soundless moan and closed my eyes. With one hand that was on his neck, I started moving up through his dark hair.

"You're not ticklish at all." He whispered and got away from my neck.
"Just trying to hide things that seduce me." I told him soft.
"Oh. I am a thing to you. I got it." He told me.
"That's not what I-." Johnny placed his hand on my cheek.
"I know. You don't need to tell me. And I will find every single thing that seduces you. Trust me." He whispered.
"I'm good in hiding." I answered.
"From what I have seen. No you're terribly bad in it." He smirked and I needed to chuckle.
"Can you just try to find it?" I asked.
"To find what?" He asked.
"Fuck me." I whispered. He smiled and placed his lips on mine.

He placed kisses on my chin, all the way my jawline and then reached my neck again. After just a few seconds he kissed my collarbone.

His hands moved downwards and then under my shirt.
"You tell me when it's too much." He told me.
"I'm more than fine Johnny." I breathed and digged my fingers through his hair. I raised my arms up so he was able to take off my shirt.
He looked at me closely. Every inch. Then his lips met mine again, so deeply and desperately. Johnny tossed the shirt to the floor. I wrapped my arms around him just to pull him even closer. His teeth caught my bottom lip for a second. The hot taste of cigarettes and something sweet. I tried to say his name, but I couldn't even find the time to breath at the moment. I reached down to his shirt and he raised his arms so that I was able to take it off. I didn't even had the time to throw it on the floor. He wrapped my legs around his hip and leaned forward until my back gently hit the sofa. I cupped his face in my hands just to get another kiss. This heavenly and beautiful kiss.
It was that kind of kiss, where it's just you two and nothing, really nothing in this world is left, except you too. It felt like a drug.
"My heart is exploding." Johnny whispered.
"Mine too." I told him and placed a kiss on his cheek.

His lips met my collarbone again from where we made his way to my belly. As his lips met my bare belly, something in my skull was exploding.
I ran through his hair and gently pushed him more down. I felt his shaking hands on my pants. I helped him opening them, and removing them from my legs. I didn't expected that he pulled my Jeans and my underwear in one move down. He tossed them down to my shirt and then sank between my legs.

I knew exactly what he was doing. But it felt like, I have never felt this before. His tounge was gentle and rough at the same time. The slightly rough surface of his tounge felt good. I raised my head to look down to him. In this moment he also looked up and our eyes met. He placed a kiss right on my clit. But his lips took this place and gently sucked it in. I let my head fall back from pleasure. I moaned as I digged my hand into a pillow.

His tounge moved over my belly up to my bra. I propped myself up on my elbows and let him kiss my breasts.


s big hands moved to my back and he opened my bra. I moved my arms out of it and his eyes were pinned on my breast.
My chest was still moving pretty fast from breathing. With what he did, he took my breath away.
His eyes had a shimmer of desire. And that was making me crazy. I sat up straight to reach his face again. I placed my lips on his while I started opening his pants. I wanted to feel him.

I kneeled down and looked into his eyes again. He stood up and took his pants off by himself. He sat down, as he sat there before. Except that I saw his erection. I gently wrapped my fingers around it. It was so hot. He raised my face with a finger on my chin to kiss me. I moved my hand slowly up and down. I was glad that I was finally able to feel him. To touch him. To get to know his intimates sides. He let out a deep breath which felt like it touched my heart.
"Hold my hair." I whispered. While I kissed him again, he collected my hair and slowly guides me down. Iet my tounge run over his tip.
I placed kisses, up and down his erection. Then I sucked his soft tip in and let him inside of my mouth. His hand moved over my shoulder, down my back, sending shivers down my spine.
I felt him putting a bit of pressure on my head which forced me to go down even more. But I wasn't able to get his full size.

"My god." He quietly moaned. But then gently pulled me on my hair up. Johnny leaned forward so that I was forced to lay down.
"Do you take the pill?" He groaned against my lips and I nodded while I kissed him. I felt how he sucked my tounge out of my mouth.
I placed my leg on the back lean of the sofa. Johnny let himself sink down to me. It felt like we both would melt together any second. The light sweat film on his back was cooling my hands off. My lips found their way to his shoulder. Placed kisses on it and gently started sucking on his neck. He propped his hip a bit more up and I felt his tip on my skin. I took it into my hand and guided him. I felt like Johnny would undress me again with just his eyes even though there was nothing left to take off. I wrapped my other leg around his hip.
Slowly, I felt him moving inside me. Me quietly moaned and placed his forehead next to my head. I just wrapped my arms around his shoulders and let my moans out.

The feeling as he moved it in again, was even better. It felt like every thrust was making everything even better.

Johnny got up and took both of my legs. I was able to see him now the whole time. I find knew if it would be a good Idea since, even looking at him would make me come.
But his face, the hair that was taped onto his forehead through the sweat, his mouth, his facial expressions. It was making me crazy. His body. And knowing that it's his body.
His muscles flinching from movement.

I reached out for his hand and he took it.
"Johnny." I moaned while running through my own hair to get it out of my face.
"I-. I think I am very close." I moaned and just winked at me. He let my hand go, let it run over my body down to my clit. He started massaging it with his thumb.
"Come for me." He groaned and increased his thrusts.
I felt the Fireworks inside of me. I just felt him. And my orgasm. My legs started shaking a bit and I just let my moans out.
"That's it." He whispered. After I wasn't shaking anymore he nodded, which told me that he will come too. His breathing increased. His grip around my leg tighten. Then he let go and let himself fall ontop of me, but catches himself with his hands. I felt that it was getting even hotter inside of me. Johnny let himself down on my body and I run through his hair. He smiled at me. I smiled back and moved strane of his hair out of his face.


I hope you liked it. I'm not that good in write this ":)

Reminder that English is not my native language ^-^

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