Country Road, Take Me Home

Start from the beginning

"Oh dear," a voice said behind Mabel, and Kipo could see Six there, watching them. "This might be the worst way for you to find out about that, I'm afraid. Ah, well, too late now, I suppose. You can cut that out, Miss Mabel, the car is three feet from the edge. I think they'll be fine."

Suddenly, Six perked up, peering out at them. "Hm... it seems you all picked up a new friend... was it worth it?"

Luz brightened. "Six! I'm back! It's me!"

Six tilted her head, and there was a small warmth there that Luz could just barely feel through her own pain. Was there a slight smile there? "Ah. Miss Luz. I'm glad."

Luz giggled, but it wasn't as lighthearted as it usually was. "I told you not to call me that, Six!"

"Ah, well. Force of habit."

Suddenly, Six frowned, moving her gaze from her student to Kipo, who was leaning over the edge of the car and over the cliff, watching the raging river below. She stared at it closely, frowning deeply. What Mabel had said before... there was no way it could be true, right?

"You won't find him, Kipo," Six told her, somehow guessing what Kipo was thinking.

Kipo winced, but she didn't turn around, keeping her eyes below. She didn't think she could turn around, even if she wanted to.

"Find who?" Coraline asked, also peering over. Mabel made an alarmed squeak and grabbed onto Coraline's cape. She kept a safe distance from the edge, Kipo noticed.

"Careful!" she warned, and this time, Coraline didn't bother to swat her away.

Coraline seemed to remember something Mabel said before. "Who's down there? Is it Dib? Who's that?"

Mabel sniffed, and when Kipo turned, she saw that through Mabel's panic she was close to sobbing. "He-He was our friend... he was trying to help y-you guys... but he was scared of the monster, and he..."

Coraline looked alarmed. "A monster?! What monster?!"

Six snorted. "It wasn't real, Miss Coraline. The monster was just a fabrication Dib made up in his mind that he made so real that it chased him through the woods before he fell victim to his own trap."

Coraline started, staring in awe at the creature standing a little bit away. Kipo was certain that Coraline had already seen Six, but she couldn't blame her for still being surprised. After all, Coraline had just assumed they had escaped, but Six was just living proof they were still stuck in this place.

"B-But we don't know if he's dead yet!" Mabel cried. "We still could find him! After all, Anne and Fei Fei were on that river a little bit ago... besides, people always surprised falling into rivers in movies! Maybe his big head cushioned him!"

Six sighed. "First of all, Miss Mabel, Miss Fei Fei and Miss Anne had a raft. Second of all, this is real life, not a movie. And last, no one could have survived that hundred-foot fall, no matter who they were. He's dead, I'm afraid."

"We don't know that!" Mabel argued. "We have to try anyway! I didn't get a chance to before because I was putting the portal down..."

"Oh, that was you?" Luz asked. "Mabel, you saved our lives! You're amazing!"

Mabel stared at Luz, her mouth agape, before smiling, her face going red. Kipo was surprised at that, she didn't really give off a 'modest' vibe... but maybe she just wasn't used to getting compliments like that.

Luz grinned back, but it wasn't long before her happiness faded as she seemed to remember something.

"Anyway," she continued, more serious than Kipo had ever seen her. "We... We should probably go back to that place, too."

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