"This is my girl, (y/n)." She's pretty great, I must say." His eyes twinkle when he says so.

"Hey guys," I waved. "Mark is pretty great too." I winked and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna go to the kitchen and start up dinner now." I said quietly, waved goodbye, and left the room, giving him his privacy.

I sat at the island in Marks kitchen, thinking. My last round of chemo is in three days, and even though I still feel terrible, I try to not let anyone see, especially not Mark. I don't want him to see how weak I am. I don't want to be babied. I haven't seen (bf/bn) since the incident 3 months ago, the night that Mark accidentally found out about my cancer.

That night still gives me nightmares. It's the night I finally admitted to myself that all I do is run from my problems, when I once again, ran from a major problem.

Mark and I started dating not long after we met. And I know that's usually not a good thing, because you probably don't know everything about the person. But we're different, it doesn't feel like we rushed anything. It feels like we've been together forever, almost as if we were meant to fit each other.

I know we've been judged upon the fact that we actually got together so quickly.

Marks POV

I finished up my video, and chose to save the editing for tonight.

I pulled my headphones off of my head and laid them onto the computer desk.

I rubbed my eyes and stood up, deciding I probably should go see if (y/n) needs any help with dinner.

I opened the door that separated my recording room from the hall, and made my way to the kitchen.

I never smelt anything, or saw any lights on. Which concerned me a little on where (y/n) could possibly be too.

That's when I seen her, asleep on the black chairs placed at my island. Her head was placed in her hands, as she quietly snored, her (h/c) hair surrounding her beautifully beautiful face.

She looked too peaceful to move, but I couldn't have her stay there, only because I don't know how long she was there for.

I slowly made my way over to this delicate human, placing one hand under her knees and another hand around her back.

Once she was lifted into my arms, her head tilted back just a little ways, which revealed a tear, running quickly down her cheek.

I placed her onto the sofa and wiped the water from her cheek. Why was she crying? What was she dreaming about that hurt her enough to cry in her sleep?

I placed a red fuzzy blanket onto her, and left to go back to the kitchen, to cook up a little something for my angel and I.


I wasn't cooking for a long time until I heard (y/n) start stirring on the couch. I guess she's awake.

Your POV

The smell of pasta filled my nose, causing me to fully wake up.

"Hey there." Mark smiled as I walked into the kitchen, where I seen him placing the pasta onto two plates.

"Hi." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and scratching my head.

"How was your sleep?" Mark asked, placing my food in front of me, and his across from me.

"It was alright." I sloppily smiled, shoving my dinner into my mouth. My sleep in fact was terrible, my dream was worse than they ever have been.

"You were crying." he said quietly, so quietly that I had to piece together what I thought he said.

Why me!? MarkiplierxReader (Now Editing)Where stories live. Discover now