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Just when all hope is lost, Anakin nudges her.

"Look," he tells her. "Look, Liana,"

She opens her eyes to see thousands of the Geonosians flocking out of the stadium, shrieking. The cause is none other than dozens of Jedi with their lightsabers shining in hues of blues and greens throughout the coliseum.

At the same time, however, hundreds of battle droids begin marching into the arena. Anakin manages to steer the beast away from them as Jedi charge towards them, lightsabers in hand.

One of the Jedi pause before them, throwing up two lightsabers that Anakin and Obi-Wan catch.  Anakin quickly uses the saber to sever his chains before doing the same for Liana.

At that moment, a large explosion rocks the arena, and the creatures bucks the four off it's back and onto the ground.

"Stay behind me!" Anakin insists, grasping Liana's forearm. He begins to cut through droids as Padmè races off, picking up a blaster from the ground and shooting a Geonosian right off its steed. Liana watches in awe as her brave sister hops onto the creature, charging away.

She then glances down and grasps a blaster for herself.

"Do you remember how to use it?" Anakin shouts over the sound of blaster fire and lightsabers humming.

Liana shrugs in response as Anakin puts his back against her own and wards off attackers. Meanwhile, she begins firing the blaster at random with her good hand, ignoring the throbbing pain from her limp wrist. Anakin's green saber cuts fluidly through the droids left and right.

Another explosion booms into the arena, sending rubble and dust flying. Liana continues to hide behind Anakin, sending random blaster shots at the incoming droids whenever she can. Whether it does much good, she can't say.

However as the surviving Jedi band together, the droids begin closing in on them. Liana ends up beside Padmè as the droids draw in closer. Slowly, they begin to lower their lightsabers as the droids stop firing.

"Master Windu, you have fought gallantly," comes the deep voice of Count Dooku. "Worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi order,"

Remaining survivors are pushed towards them by Geonosians as they become utterly surrounded on all sides.

"Now, it is finished," Dooku proclaims. "Surrender, and your lives will be spared,"

"We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku!" says a bald human Jedi with warm, dark skin and a purple lightsaber. Master Windu.

"Then, I'm sorry, old friend,"

Liana watches in terror as the larger battle droids aim their weapons at them. Anakin protectively places an arm around her waist, holding his saber up with the other.

Liana looks to the sky once last time, yet instead spots at least a dozen carrier ships approaching filled with clones.

"Look!" exclaims Padmè at the same time. The droids begin firing at the ships as they come down rapidly, firing laser beams down upon the droids. Its effective and wipes out droid after droid.

The ships begin to surround them, hovering a foot from the ground.

"Go!" Anakin urges, gently pushing Liana towards the ship as he deflects blaster fire while they run. He jumps up first before reaching a hand out and pulling her up to him and into his arms for just a moment as more Jedi begin to board.

Then, the ship is moving, and they're airborne and high above the rocky formations of Geonosis.

"Hold on!" exclaims Master Kenobi, ensuring Liana is grasping onto the netted roof of the transport ship. She does her best with her good hand, leaving the other that is bent awkwardly and painfully, hanging at her side.

DREAMS ↠ A. SKYWALKERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang