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Liana was far too giddy to fall asleep that night. Her mind was simply abuzz with thoughts of Anakin Skywalker, and the fact that he was most certainly eyeing the cameras in her bedroom to ensure her safety even as she was asleep.

Liana was all too familiar with the male gaze of course, but the boys on Naboo were not nearly as fascinating as a foreign Padawan could be. Anakin surely had countless stories of his adventures with Master Kenobi, ones she could not wait but to hear. His good looks were certainly alluring too.

The bedroom is smaller than that from her home, but its cool and dark, and still peaceful to Liana. The city outside is still bustling with cruisers and ships despite it being the late evening.

Finally, Liana's eyelids grew heavy and her lashes fluttered shut. Sleep quickly overcomes her just as the glass on the window is sliced through like butter by a droid. It hovers for a moment as a pair of Kouhun arthropods slip into the room from the small hole in the glass. Unbeknownst to the Jedi or Liana, the droid moves on towards the Senator's bedroom. The two bugs begin to scuttle towards the sleeping girl, alerting the young Padawan to their presence.

Suddenly, the doors to Liana's bedroom fly open, causing the girl to wake up in surprise. Anakin bursts into the room, waving his glowing blue in hand as he slices down on one of the Kouhun.

"Liana, look out!" he cries as one scurries toward her place on the mattress. She quickly flings herself off of the bed as Anakin lunges forward and cuts through the other bug.

There is commotion now outside of her room, and Liana can only assume the same incidence is occuring in Padmé's room. The blonde turns to the Padawan in shock, her chest heaving as she smooths out her silk nightgown.

"Are you alright, Princess?" he asks breathlessly, studying her. His eyes graze over the curve of her chest but quickly divert away.

Liana nods, gazing up at Anakin who is clearly racing with adrenaline. Their eyes clash, stormy and cerulean and she almost dares to step closer before Obi-Wan shouts from the other room.

"I'll be back!" he tells her before racing down the hallway as the sound of glass shattering startles Liana. She follows in pursuit to find a startled Padmé sitting on the edge of her bed. The droid, Artoo, is chirping as it whirls its head around the room. The window is wide open from where it had been shattered, and a cool gust of wind, along with a tinge of unpleasant odors, is streaming into the room.

"Thank goodness you're alright," Padmè sighs, running a hand through her unkempt curls.

"And you," Liana agrees, settling beside her. "Maybe we ought to give these Jedi a chance, you know. If they weren't here to protect us, we'd both be dead,"

Padmè huffs but doesn't disagree. "Master Kenobi jumped out of the window to catch the droid responsible,"

Liana's eyes widen in surprise. "My, is that's rather brave. We've got to be stories above the ground!"

Padmè nods in agreement before tugging the blanket off of her bed and padding out into the main sitting area. "I'll be getting some sleep now I suppose,"

Liana smiles lightly at her as the Senator curls up on the plush blue couch. Artoo follows and comes to a halt right beside Padmè.

It is not until nearly a half hour later that Master Kenobi and Anakin return.

"Well, we caught them, but the bounty hunter responsible certainly did not want their identity known," declared Obi-Wan as he holds up a small dart between his thumb and forefinger.

Liana's eyes widen in surprise as she connects the dots.

"Are you alright Miss Amidala?" asks Master Kenobi with tired eyes.

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