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   If Liana thought she had truly seen the true deserts of Tatooine she gravely mistaken. As she steps off the silver starship, her jaw drops slightly in awe as she surveys the vast lands. Sandy terrain spans for miles beyond them like a golden sea. A small dome-shaped home, a massive dug-out pit, and a few machines here and there are all that marks the place as potentially inhabited.

Artoo beeps along behind her as the blonde follows in pursuit of her Jedi protector. Liana's hair is now intricately plaited down her back, the best she could do without her skillful handmaidens. A golden humanoid droid stands a few feet away, and perks up at the sight of the two.

"Oh! Um, hello! How might I be of service? I am—!"

"C-Threepio?" Anakin states in disbelief.

"Oh—!" the droid pauses with surprise. "The maker! Oh, Master Ani! I knew you would return! And—oh—you are?"

"This is Liana Amidala," Anakin informs the droid, placing a hand on her lower back.

"Well, bless my circuits, I'm so pleased to see you both! It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Liana!"

"A pleasure!" Liana echoes warmly at the chipper droid.

"I've come to see my mother," Anakin sternly replies.

"Oh. Uh—I think perhaps we'd better go indoors," Threepio declares more solemnly.

"Lead the way,"

The two follow the droid towards the domed home. Threepio leads them inside the sandstone home and down smooth carved out staircases into the open-to-air-pit.

"Ah! Master Owen, might I present two most important visitors!" the droid exclaims.

"I'm Anakin Skywalker," he states bluntly.

"Owen Lars," greets the younger man with messy brown hair and an unshaven face.

"And this is my girlfriend, Beru," A petite, youthful girl with straw hair tied up away from her face is beside him. Both wear sand-colored robes with gauzy clothes underneath.

"Hello," Beru says.

"Hi," Liana smiles.

"This is Liana, my girlfriend," Anakin adds, his tone changing ever so slightly to be protective.

Liana cannot help but feel butterflies explode in a symphony of joy in her chest as a smile grows on her pink face. She had never thought they would be able to speak so freely of the love between them, and the sound of her name on his lips is pure bliss.

"Nice to meet you both," Owen warmly states. "I guess I'm your stepbrother then. I had a feeling that you might show up someday,"

"Is my mother here?" Anakin interjects.

"No," a voice grunts. "She's not,"

Anakin whirls around to see a man in a wheelchair that looks very similar to Owen, but also much older. "Cliegg Lars, Shmi is my wife,"

Liana watches as he holds out a hand for Anakin to shake. The Jedi takes it briefly.

"We should go inside, we have a lot to talk about," declares Cliegg.

Anakin's face is grim as he glances to Liana. She places a gentle hand on his shoulder as they are led inside the home. Immediately, Beru disappears, muttering something about refreshments. Liana removes her scarf, allowing her braided hair to fall down her back before smoothing out her purple dress.

"It was just before dawn when they came out of nowhere, a hunting party of Tusken Raiders," begins Cliegg. "Your mother had gone out early as she always did to pick mushrooms that grow on the vaporators. From the track she was about halfway home when they took her. Those Tuskens walk like men, but they're vicious, mindless monsters,"

Beru enters the dining room area with a platter of five glasses of some sort of brown-colored beverage. Liana reassuringly places her hand on his own underneath the table as Cliegg continues.

"Thirty of us went out after her, and only four of us came back. I'd be out there with them now, but after I lost my leg I just can't ride anymore until I heal. I don't want to give up on her, but she's been gone a month. There's little hope she's lasted this long,"

Suddenly, Anakin rises from the table, and Liana immediately feels the absence of his touch.

"Where are you going?" asks Owen.

"To find my mother," Anakin states.

"Your mother's dead son, accept it," Cliegg snaps.

Liana's mouth falls open in disbelief as she surveys Anakin, his face crestfallen.

"I can't," he says before storming out towards the pit and up one of the staircases.

The Lars then turn to glance at Liana, who is left seated at the table.

"He's very worried," she adds meekly before rising from the table. "I'll go talk to him,"

Moments later, she is striding up to the tall Jedi who stands staring off into the sandy distance.

"You're going to have to stay here, Liana," Anakin reasons. "These are good people, you'll be safe here,"

"What about your safety?" she worriedly urges.

"I'll be okay,"

The blonde cannot help but throw her arms around her Jedi protector as tightly as possible. He wraps his arms lovingly around her, and Liana cannot help but breathe in his scent that reminds her of sandalwood.

"Come back to me, Ani," she murmurs, tilting her face up to meet his own as dusk begins to melt onto the endless horizon of desert sky.

"Always, princess," he whispers before placing his lips tenderly onto hers while pulling her tighter against him. Liana kisses him back longingly before he finally pulls away.

"I won't be long, I promise," he insists, untangling himself and heading towards the worn rusted speeder sitting a short distance away.

Liana cannot help but feel worry bubble up in her chest as she watches him board the speeder and disappear into the setting twin suns.


The rest of the day is spent in polite pleasantries as Liana spends time with Anakin's family. She assists Beru with various chores, including laundry and sweeping. 

Then, she follows the straw-haired girl over to where their large bantha resides. She expertly shows her how to milk the creature effortlessly, and Liana watches as pale blue milk pours into the pail. It has a sweet almost fruity flavor to it.

Later, at dinner, she tells the family of her life on Naboo, and speaks highly of the beautiful planet. The night drags on, and before she knows it, Lina is staring at the ceiling.

She had forgot what it was like to sleep without Anakin's strong presence beside her.  His side of the small, stiff bed is cold as she tosses and turns that night. . The bedroom is small, cozy, as Beru had called it It's a simple sandstone circular room with a bed and room for her luggage.  Worry gnaws on her nerves as she attempts to sleep. It's as though there's a disruption in the Force—something that Liana still does not fully comprehend. She misses his warm, comforting presence that always lulled her into slumber. It dawns on her then, how quickly and effortlessly she had fallen in love with Anakin Skywalker, despite everything.

Hours later, Liana wakes drenched in sweat, her dreams that of unknown pain and suffering. Miles away, Anakin continues to extract his revenge on the Tusken Raiders until the sand is damp with their blood.

author's note:
okay im trying to make it like liana is lowkey connected to him and therefore can feel something is wrong but doesnt like get what idk if that makes sense or is dumb but yolo!!

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