"Oh come on, it's not like I'm a freak. I'm just being friendly to somebody who's new to town."

"Leave the poor girl alone Ric." I play along to this stupid plan. Jules looks at me with a grateful smile. "Dont worry it's fine."

She looks at Alaric "Ok, if you insist... How do you know I'm new?" She questions him.

"Because I've never seen you here before."

"And he's here every night." I say with a teasing tone, laughing lightly with her.

"Excuse me, is this guy bothering you girls?" Damon arrives.

"I'm not bothering anybody."

"Perfect. Well...Do it elsewhere."  Damon turns his gaze towards Jules.
"Don't worry, he's harmless. He's sort of the town drunk. And you know, when we get tired of him we just put him in a cab and send him back to wherever he came from."

While Damon is talking to her, Alaric puts wolfsbane in her glass. God, I can smell it from here. There's no way a wolf won't be able to smell that.

"Please don't talk about me like I'm not here." Alaric gives the glass to Jules.

"Why are you here?" I ask him rudely.

"Thank you for the drink." Alaric raises his glass and leaves. Jules puts her drink on the counter without drinking it.


Damon and me are still at the bar with Jules. Jules stirring her drink without drinking it.

"There's a B&B down the road and there's a motel on I-90 but you know, if you ask me, it's kind of a mistake."

"No, it's fine. I'm just here for the night. It's a long story, I'm looking for my friend."

"Who?" I ask her.

"Mason Lockwood."

"I know Mason!" Damon says with a smile.

"You do?"

"Yeah. He's a great guy."

"He's missing."

"What do you mean? Like...I mean, missing missing?"

"Oh how terrible." I fake pity. I hate this plan. It's taking forever and she smells like wet dog.

"How do you know Mason?" Jules questions Damon.

"Friends of friends."

"And you?" She asks me.

"Oh, I never had the pleasure. But I've heard good things about him."

She goes back to stirring her drink  without taking a sip of it.

"You know, I'm really tight with the sheriff. If there's anything I can do to help locate Mason, I will. He's a great guy, and after his brother's funeral, he stuck around and helped his nephew and-"


"Yep. Mason was with him the whole time. Helped him through all that grief." There was an awkward pause.

"You haven't touched your drink." I comment.

I'm done waiting for her to drink it. She either drinks it willingly or I shove it down her throat. Patience has always been my weak spot.

"You know, I'm not much of a drinker. I should get going." You've got to be kidding me.

"Oh, come on. Look, one drink." Damon encourages.

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