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Frank charged through his front door and fell to his knees. He felt like he would throw up there and then; the sight of Gerard kissing another man now burned into his brain. He knelt and braced himself for the imminent arrival of Gerard behind him, expecting him to come bounding in with some bullshit excuse and begging for Frank's forgiveness. He wasn't ready to talk to him, but he prepared himself to do it anyway.

He sat for over twenty minutes in that same spot, just waiting for him. But he didn't arrive. Frank didn't know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. Gerard hadn't even fucking tried to call him to offer some kind of apology or explanation. Frank felt a fresh batch of tears begin to roll down his face; overcome with an overwhelming sadness and betrayal. He would never have imagined Gerard to be so heartless to not even care at how Frank had felt at finding him in that position with Finn. Frank dragged himself to his couch and slumped down on it, crying for what felt like the entire night at being let down so badly by the love of his life.

Gerard, had in fact, had every intention of running after Frank. His heart and dropped through the floor when he looked up and saw Frank standing in front of him. He couldn't even begin to imagine how he would have felt in the same position, but the look on Frank's face had left him unable to form any words at that moment in time. Once Frank had fled, Gerard seemed to come to his senses a little and got to his feet to follow him. He wanted to chase him through the streets, throw himself at Frank's feet and plead for his forgiveness. As he stood however, Finn had grabbed a hold of his hand. He persuaded Gerard that Frank would be in no fit state to talk, and that if he wanted any chance of having Frank listen to him, then he would need time to cool off and calm down. That way, he would be less likely to just throw Gerard out and may actually hear what he had to say. Of course, his was utter bullshit. A blind man on a galloping horse could see that Finn simply wanted Gerard for himself, and that he would do whatever it would take to have Frank out of the picture. Yet Gerard still saw some sense in whatever Finn seemed to say. Because of his calm and sensible nature, Gerard seemed to think that he was always right. So, with that in mind, he agreed with Finn and decided to give Frank a little space. Big mistake!

When Frank awoke in the early hours of the morning and there was still no messages or half arsed attempt from Gerard to contact him, he decided he would do it instead. He pulled out his phone and angrily punched out a message: -

'You fucking asshole. You act all holier than thou, yet you've been screwing around behind my back. You make me out to be the cunt all the time, but I would never to that to you. NEVER! I'm going away before tour. Collect your stuff and we'll sort the apartment out when I'm back. I hope you both rot in hell'

With that, Frank threw some bits and pieces into a ruck sack, got in his car and drove away. He didn't know where the fuck he was going, but he wasn't hanging around here for the next three weeks until he and the band were back on tour. He rolled down his window and tossed his phone out onto the highway, before continuing to drive with tears streaming down his face.

Gerard stared at his phone in disbelief. He knew Frank would be angry, of course, but he didn't want to believe that he was ending it with him without even talking. He had stayed on Finn's couch the night before and hadn't slept a wink. He kept taking out his phone, tempted to call Frank, but heeding to Finn's words that it would be better to leave it a little while. He now rang without hesitation, desperate for Frank to answer so he could apologise and try and make some kind of amends. There was no response; the phone constantly going to voicemail. He left heartfelt messages, pouring his heart and soul into them in the hope of Frank listening and having mercy on him. He couldn't know that Frank's phone was smashed on the side or a road, or that he wouldn't hear or see from him for the next few months, so he just continued to call and hope for the best.

Frerard - Much More Than Friends (Part 2 of the 'Just Friends' Series)Where stories live. Discover now