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"Hey babe!" Gerard smiled to Frank on his phone screen. "How's it going?"

"Oh man. You should see the size of some of the places we've played at Gee. Fuck. They're huge compared to what we're used to."

"Well, you must be doing something right then, huh?" Gerard replied proudly.

"I guess so" Frank shrugged. "And the shit merch we had made is actually selling. Can you believe that?" he laughed.

"Cheeky fucker!" Gerard scolded. "I happen to think the design on those shirts is pretty fucking good."

"Ha ha! Yeah, it is. The designer is pretty fucking hot too. Or so I hear" Frank winked.

"Is that a fact?" Gerard smiled knowingly. They had spent ages getting those shirts just as Frank had pictured them. The rest of the band had left him to it, knowing he had a good vision and Gerard to help him out. Gerard had really enjoyed creating some art with Frank, and the two had come up with some great designs. He smiled as he recollected the night the boxes were delivered, and he came home to Frank wearing nothing but one of the extra-large ones and pouncing on him as he walked through the door. Obviously, the shirt ended up covered in sweat and eventually ripped from his body, but it was an amazing night and Gerard had taken to wearing that shirt more and more for bed because it reminded him of his boyfriend.

Frank went on to tell him more about his travels and how he'd even been recognised in a few places they'd been to eat at. Someone had even approached him for a selfie, which he was particularly stoked about. Gerard couldn't hide his smile at Frank's excitement. And he had found this tour easier to deal with up to now – thanks in part to his growing friendship with Finn.

He and Finn had become firm friends over the last few months and now that Frank was away, Gerard was seeing him more outside of work than normal. They already tended to have lunch together in work, but now often made plans to meet up one evening a week and perhaps at the weekend, usually to go to the movies, or a bar or sometimes just hang out at one of their places. He was easy to be around, and he and Gerard had a lot in common.

"So? What you been up to?" Frank now asked through the phone.

"Oh, I've been hanging out with Finn quite a bit. We caught that new movie last night" Gerard revealed.

"Aw man. I wanted to watch that" Frank bitched.

"Yeah, well you're not fucking here" Gerard laughed as his boyfriend pouted.

"I know. But seriously Gee, I'm glad you've got someone to have fun with while I'm away" Frank smiled genuinely.

Gerard nodded and the conversation continued; Frank telling Gerard about some party he was going to that night but adding quickly that he'd rather be at home curled up on the sofa with him (which Gerard wasn't necessarily convinced of).


Two months later and Frank was back home. Life plodded on as before. He wasn't smoking quite as much shit when he was home now, but it was still fairly regular, as was finding the rest of the band at their house when Gerard returned home from work; beer bottles and pizza boxes usually strewn all over the place. He bit his tongue but usually found himself complaining to Finn about it the following day at work.

"I'm not being funny Gerard" Finn was saying as they sat opposite each other picking at their lunch, "but he's not a kid. He really should pull his weight at home. You shouldn't be expected to pick up after him and his friends. And really? Stoned all the time?"

"It's not all the time" Gerard defended, realising that he must have complained more to Finn than he'd meant to, maybe even exaggerating Frank's behaviour.

Frerard - Much More Than Friends (Part 2 of the 'Just Friends' Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя