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The follow up (Part 2) to 'We're Just Friends'

It had been three years since Gerard and Frank had graduated from college. They had both loved their college days and had gotten closer and closer despite their initial ups and downs during the days.

They now resided on the outskirts of New York; not right in the middle of the hustle and bustle, but close enough for Gerard's work and for a great night out. Their modest two-bedroom apartment was Gerard's absolute pride and joy. He had loved decorating it and choosing all the furnishings. His artwork adorned the walls and house plants sat on windowsills. He had become truly domesticated, and in all honesty, it was him that did the lion's share of the cleaning and cooking. He would pretend to complain to Frank about it, but in truth he was in his element.

So much had happened during the past years. Gerard had landed his dream job in the city as part of a team of artists working on comics of all kinds. He was never bored and knew that he was starting to be recognised as one of the more talented members of the team, with his ideas being taken more and more seriously. He took so much pride in his work and it was a pleasure for him to go to work every day. He would also commission bespoke pieces of art occasionally for one or two regular customers and his name was starting to get out there to potential new buyers.

Frank had been equally as successful. After what had initially started as a hobby with his college band, they had somehow been spotted one night as they played at some dive of a bar and been signed up. Not much came of it at the start, but over the last couple of months, their manager had managed to get them bigger and better gigs and they were really beginning to make a name for themselves. It was all Frank had ever really dreamed of. He'd been to college expecting to go into music teaching or something similar, but in his heart of hearts, this was what he'd always wanted.

Gerard was beyond happy for his boyfriend. He was so proud of him and seeing him exude excitement every time he got ready for a gig was infectious. He used to get incredibly nervous, but he had started to learn to handle his nerves more lately, much to Gerard's disappointment. He used to look forward to his job of 'nerve-control' prior to Frank playing, but that didn't seem to be required anymore. Still, he was usually particularly horny after a gig; the adrenaline coursing through him and often not even managing to get home before trying to get into Gerard's pants.

That's exactly what had happened tonight. Frank had played at a local bar and had been fucking amazing as always. He had bounced around the stage and riled the crown up, giving them the best night ever. Gerard had been watching on, proud as ever. He knew (as the set was coming to a close), that he was in for a treat, because Frank kept finding him in the crowd, locking eyes with him and giving him a smirk; pupils blown and licking his lips. He looked stunning and Gerard couldn't help but feel giddy with excitement for the night ahead.

They had barely pulled into the parking lot of their apartment when Frank was leaning over the gap between the two front seats, and tugging at Gerard's belt.

"Jesus Frank" Gerard laughed. "Can't you wait until we get through the door?"

"No" Frank grinned as he pulled down Gerard's zipper, shoving him slightly to make him lift his hips and pull down his jeans a little.

Gerard wriggled a little but managed to push the material down his thighs, allowing his hard cock to spring free from its confines.

"Don't pretend you could wait either baby!" Frank smiled as he took in the sight of Gerard's needy dick.

Without any further talking, Frank sank his mouth over his boyfriend, humming and moaning as though it was his last supper. He loved Gee's cock. It filled his mouth perfectly and slid effortlessly to the back of his throat, causing Gerard to moan uncontrollably every time. Gerard's fingers fisted through Frank's sweaty hair as he guided him up and down. He bit his lip to try and stifle the noises spilling from his mouth, but it proved useless as he panted and moaned louder every time Frank sank down over him again.

"Holy fuck Frank" Gerard sighed as he took in the sight of Frank looking up at him, all innocent eyes and stretched out lips. Fuck he was a sight to behold and Gerard didn't think he would last long at all if he continued to look down at him. Instead, he rested his head against the headrest of the car, closed his eyes and tried to hold off his impending orgasm for as long as possible.

Just as he was beginning to relent, Frank pulled off, leaving him feeling abandoned and still fucking desperate.

"Frank? What the............?"

"Sorry baby. But I really need you to fuck me, so can't have you finishing yet" Frank smiled sweetly, before grabbing the keys and running from the car up to the front door of the block.

Gerard shouted after him again, but it was useless. Now he had to force his rock hard dick back into his pants and limp his way into their home. Fucking Frank!

Having made it inside, he found Frank dragging his clothes from his body and throwing them all around the lounge.

"Hey!" Gerard scolded. "I fucking cleaned in here today."

"Seriously Gee?" Frank laughed. "Get the fuck over here!"

Gerard strolled over, making Frank wait a little longer than necessary, picking up his clothes as he did so, just to torture his boyfriend a little more as payback.

Frank grabbed a hold of Gerard's wrist as he approached and took the clothes from him, again tossing them anywhere around the room. Gerard gave a mock angry face and Frank laughed as he wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a fiery kiss. It was like a surge of electricity running through them both igniting a spark within them. Gerard ran his hands all over Frank's body before pushing him down onto the couch and parting his legs to slide a finger deep inside of him. Frank's body melted into the fabric of the sofa as he let Gerard work on him. Gerard retrieved a bottle of lube from the pocket on the side of the couch and lathered up his fingers, before pushing back into Frank and opening him up.

It was a quick fuck. Nothing romantic or sensual about it at all. Just an animalistic need that Frank had after most of his shows. Gerard was happy to oblige and went hard and fast; Frank bouncing on the sofa as he did. Both came at practically the same time, sharing a sweet kiss as they did. They reluctantly showered together, before heading off to bed.

Gerard had to be up early for work the following day. He didn't have the luxury of a lie in in the morning like Frank, so he simply rolled over once they were in bed, not really listening as Frank chatted on about some shit. He was asleep in minutes.

Waking the next morning, Gerard made himself breakfast and coffee and then tidied Frank's clothes away that were strewn across the lounge floor from the previous night. He smiled at Frank as he quietly put his clothes into the wash hamper in their room. He looked so vulnerable and sweet when he was sleeping. Almost like an innocent child. He was an anomaly to Gerard. He was this totally sarcastic, nuts and crazy guy with a filthy sense of humour, but at the same time, a gentle, caring, sensitive sweetheart. And Gerard loved him more than he could have ever imagined possible.

As he sat on the train hurtling through the subway on his way into the city, he couldn't keep the smile from his face as he thought about how lucky he was. His life was simply perfect.

Wasn't it??

Frerard - Much More Than Friends (Part 2 of the 'Just Friends' Series)Where stories live. Discover now