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Me, Haechan and Jeno were waiting outside for Mark. I had called him using Haechan's phone and told that i needed him for a moment. 

While the cold air brushed past us i shivered slightly. I felt Jeno's fingers wrap around my smaller palm, warmth already spreading through my body. 

Just then a motorcycle came to a stop in front of us.

Mark: Why? What happened? is something wrong?

He asked immediately getting off his bike.

Nari: Not really. I just need you to take Haechan home. I will come with him.

I said looking at Jeno. Mark's eyes skeptically scanned Jeno.

Mark: And you are?

Jeno: Lee Jeno.

Mark: So you are the Jeno everyone keeps talking about. 

He then looked at me.

Mark: You told me and the others not to mention Jeno's name to Taeyong hyung... and now you want to bring him to the base?

I looked at Jeno.

Nari: I was not so sure too... I didn't want to bring him there because he wouldn't like it... but...

Jeno: It's my decision. I am coming.

Mark looked at me.

Mark: You are not even going to debate on it?

Haechan: Oh they did. They basically fought like an old married couple for a whole 10 mins before Jeno raised his voice and boom...

He made a small explosion with his hands.

Haechan: Nari became understanding. Now come on Milk, it's getting really cold. 

Mark: Fine. And my name is Mark.

Haechan: Yeah whatever Mork.

Mark: Yah you-

Nari: Mark.

Mark: Gosh fine.

I watched as they zoomed away. I looked back at Jeno.

Nari: Are you really sure? 

He nodded.

Jeno: Confident.

I sighed.

Nari: Jeno. Promise me. Promise me that me taking you there won't be a mistake. 

he smiled and placed a comforting kiss on my forehead.

Jeno: I swear Nari. I won't let you regret it.

I sighed again.

Nari: Fine. Get on and hold tight.


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