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I clutched on the breaks, bringing my bike to a slow crawl as I parked it outside the rundown restaurant.

???: Done?

I looked up just as I threw the bag over my shoulder.

Nari: Done.

He nodded before getting on his own bike.

Johnny: Taeyong is waiting. I will be off to the other deal.

Nari: Cool.

He revved his engine and took off in the dark streets of the city. I, instead lead inside to the back of the restaurant. I pushed the door open which said, staff only.

I walked into a better looking area than what was outside. I head to Taeyong's office where Taeyong, Jaehyun and Doyoung were playing on the pool table and dropped the bag on the table, making the younger two of the three frown, definitely not happy with what i did.

Taeyong: Your back.

He said stating the obvious and not at all minding the bag, taking his shot. The ball fell into the hole. With a triumphant smirk he looked at me.

Taeyong: Neat?

Nari: Neat.

Taeyong: Good. Take your share and leave. I want to continue our game.

I rolled my eyes and opened the bag. Doyoung took out 5 bundles of cash and handed it to me, just as Jaehyun closed the bag and threw it on the floor near by.

Nari: Thanks, and enjoy your game boys.

I head out, holding tightly onto the bundle of cash. I came back out to the rundown setting and went to the stairs, heading upstairs.

On reaching the third floor i rang the bell to the only door. It was shortly opened by a male.

Renjun: Did i ever tell you how much i just wish you were dead?

I scoffed and pushed him away.

Nari: Just because i came when you were sleeping doesn't mean that you will kill me Renjun.

He groaned and threw the door to close shut with noise.

Renjun: No, but i do hate you.

Nari: Sure you do. Now just get going and stop disturbing me will you.

Renjun: Nice. Now i am the one disturbing you.

He mumbled some other words that i didn't bother to even listen to. Once i heard his door close i sighed and went to the kitchen. The fridge was empty.

Nari: Great i will be going to bed hungry.

I mean it wasn't new. I have been going to bed hungry these past 6 months and I cant even help it.

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