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I woke up with someone next to me. I sat up and saw Jisung soundly sleeping. He cried again last night. He told me about how much Jeno and Haechan were important to him and how they helped him get over his sister's death. 

After all the crying he refused to sleep on another bed and demanded to be cuddled. I teased him about being a baby, and he still insisted.

My eyes softened looking at the boy. And my mind wandered off to Jeno.

Jeno was strong. Physically, i don't know. But mentally he was very strong. It was something i acknowledged. He had been through a lot and yet supported Jisung. Maybe i shouldn't have been so rude to him. He was only looking out for Jisung.

Who would be happy seeing an Alpha with someone you care deeply for?... Exactly...

No one.

I sighed and got up slowly. I glanced at the wall clock. 6 in the morning. I had 2 hours before classes started. So i took my jacket and put it over my lose t shirt paired with baggy sweat pants.

I got out and slowly closed the door. After that i sighed and head to the opening but saw a bed head Jaemin sitting on a stool near the kitchen counter, holding a cup of coffee in front of him.

I winced when our eyes met.

Nari: You look lively.

Jaemin: Good morning to you too.

He said in his hoarse morning voice causing me to chuckle.

Jaemin: where to?

Nari: downstairs.

He just nodded and i opened the door and stepped onto the staircase. I slowly went down, one hand running through my tangled hair, slowly removing the tough knots i got during the 3 hour sleep.

Once i reached the bottom floor i saw the shop owners... basically the newest recruits opening up the run down place. They gave me curt nods to which i wished them a good morning.

I then went through the door that connected to the main base. In the kitchen i saw a black haired male humming to him self while moving around the kitchen, taking out ingredients to make food.

Nari: Good morning bunny.

He turned around and smiled.

Doyoung: Good morning pumpkin.

I frowned.

Nari: I thought you stopped calling me that.

Doyoung: Yeah but i remembered it last night while shedding tears with Jae and reminiscing about the past.

Nari: You cried?

He raised an eyebrow.

Doyoung: Would you rather have me balling my eyes out?

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