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Taeil: What!?

He sat up in his seat .

Taeil: Gosh... Listen... i always knew he was alive and he... i knew his name okay... i just acted like i didn't-

Nari: Yeah... got it.

I fiddled with my fingers. that was not my main worry at the moment.

Nari: Taeyong never told me much Taeil... but he told me Jeno was bipolar. To extremes. He could be really dangerous... or really sweet. But he seems and looks so innocent...

Taeil: Nari you should know better than anyone to never judge someone by how they look.

Nari: Right... right... but he hates the Alphas. He told me he did. Then why hang out with me???

Taeil: Maybe he used you?

Another round of shattering happened inside me. I gulped as to swallow my emotions.

Nari: Right... of course he used me.

Taeil: Don't jump to conclusions Nari. We don't know yet-

Nari: Why else would he talk to me? For what? Pity cause i couldn't eat? Don't think so...

Taeil: Nari-

Nari: I can't believe i trusted him blindly.

Taeil: Girl-

Nari: I told him so much about the group. I told him what we did. How we gave off money to people who needed it.

Taeil: One-

Nari: But then that should help him like us right?

Taeil: Nari listen-

Nari: But what if he is blinded by hatred and anger, people are usually blinded by that right?

I faced him and saw a frustrated Taeil.

Taeil: Can i speak now?

I nodded quickly.

Taeil: Gosh...

he muttered and i pursed my lips.

Taeil: Don't you dare utter a word about it to Tae. 

Nari: But-

Taeil: He has asked me for years. But i never told him. I just kept an eye out for him on Jeno through sources.

Nari: What sources?

Taeil: Personal ways. Point is we don't know Jeno's intentions yet. So we have to wait. Please understand. Stop Taeyong from finding out Jeno's presence.

Nari: Fine...


Once i got back i immediately went to Taeyong's office.

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