Acceptance Letter.

Start from the beginning

You had gone to the brunette in the hopes of finding an ally. If anyone could make Midoriya see reason, his beloved Uraraka could. Yet that didn't happen, you ended up being back stabbed. As she ran off to tell the very person that has just made your life hell.

Anger swelled up in your chest as you thought back on that. Just hours before your death. How you tried to get assistance but most looked the other way.

"If only I had gotten there sooner. Forgive me, L/n." Momo's voice held pain, so much of it. "Don't waste your tears on a traitor, they're not worth it."

"Why are you even here? To taunt and tease? It's not like you cared! If so then you never would have used your quirk to stop me from escaping. Trapping me in a cage all while saying it's for my own good."

A chill creeped down the rosy cheeked girl's back. Looking down at the still body of her rival. Self proclaimed, not once had Y/n tried to take Izuku from Uraraka. Despite that she saw you as a foe to be beaten.

The black-eyed and haired teen said her goodbyes, then left as two teachers came in. Recovery Girl was with them. "Sorry Ochako but you'll have to leave."

"Yes, Recovery, I just hope something can be done to save..." You laughed at the sickeningly bittersweet tone. They were fake, every last one of them! "Doesn't matter what you wish, the dead will never return."

Vlad King sat next to your bedside. It's where he goes to grade papers now. He was one of the few teachers that didn't believe the rumors and chastised any student that dared spread it. Howbeit, the blood quirk user never did much more than that.

"Is there anything we can do?" Aizawa sensei... Normally he would be napping right now. Why is he here?

The teachers tried to keep you safe, sending you off to your dorm first. Walking you to and from classes. Making sure that no one picked on you but there was only so much they could do. Having your own personal escorts only made things worse.

Words were exchanged between King and Eraserhead. Voices raised before RG kicked them out. She was tired of all this hearsay, her sweet little aide was no traitor! If only the aging woman had been there to stop this. It was just bad timing on her part, being sent away to help the heroes.

Chiyo wanted to decline but even as a retired hero, she was still active. Helping out at every hospital or on the battlefield. "Deary, the rest is up to you, I've patched you up. Set up a private room for you here. No hospitals will take you as someone leaked that you work for AFO."

While talking she pats your hand, explaining what you missed, and how much she misses you. "I'm sorry, Chi, I was too weak to hold them off. Too weak as I thought they were my friends, please forgive me."

The door opened, heavy boots were heard followed by a man's voice. "How's the patient? Are they awake for questioning yet?"

"Shouldn't you be questioning the young men that did this? Can't you see Y/n isn't faking it? Poor thing can't even breathe on their own and you expect them to wake up to answer your shitty questions." A squeeze was given to your cold hand.

"You can't keep them forever. I suggest letting them go sooner than later." With that the man left and two others came in. They were silent at first. Simply watching you, praying, patting your hair, kissing your cheek. Until Nezu came in.

"I am truly sorry this happened. UA has never had an issue with students before, never to this degree. W-"

"Stop your bullshitting! Let us take our little one home!"

"How could you let this happen to our baby!"

"Ya said this school was safe. That having dorms would be for the best. How is any of this for the best!?" You knew those voices. That's their voices, my caretakers. I've never heard them this angry before. They were always so kind, they were just as happy for me before all of this.

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