The Knight of Crimson Blood.

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CW: Dark! Felix, canon-typical violence, slight canon divergence

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CW: Dark! Felix, canon-typical violence, slight canon divergence. 









Felix grows up by Claude's side because of his mother, but after getting rid of his unhappiness of his mother taking care of another child besides himself, he devotes his entirety to Claude.

His selfishness that is.

He catches glimpses of Claude being tormented by the maids because his mother was lesser than the Empress, and when their backs are turned, he kicks the back of their knees and makes them kneel. 

His eyes, colder than the North's winter snow.

The maids don't dare to try anything in front of him anymore, which was an improvement. 

But Felix keeps making adjustments away from Claude's bright eyes and makes sure none of the people working in the palace disrespect the prince.

Claude was more open when he was younger, more innocent of the world to accept the medicine the crown prince gave him when he was sick.

But Felix narrows his eyes at the herbs floating in the bowl of murky liquid, taking it from Claude's hands and replacing the cloth on his head with a warm smile before turning away and sending for the Robain's doctor.

Someone with heavy lips and talent that was worth the exorbitant price they charged.

Felix brings in a plant the next day, its leaves all dark and withered, its roots black and shriveled to dust, and proclaims, "I poured the medicine from yesterday into the dirt and found it like this in the morning, your highness."

Claude wriggles under the covers and pipes out in a wretched voice, "Felix...I can't trust anyone anymore..what do I do?"

Claude's frightened eyes burn into Felix's mind and he tosses the plant away before sitting on the bed. "Not to worry, your highness. I will always be by your side."

And he was.

The famous Knight of crimson blood hacked away at the foe's soldiers as red sprayed from either direction, the sword feeling light in his hands as the moon's light reflects off his armor.

He finds himself staring a little further up the hall and sees Claude swinging a sword almost the size of himself, gold mana sparking at the edges just like his hair.

Felix smiles, undeterred by the blood splattering onto his cape as he makes his way to Claude who stands over the body of his elder brother, and levels a hidden sneer down at the person who turned for the worse as he grew older.

He had to watch Claude return back to his chambers the night after witnessing Penelope in bed with the crown prince, been invited to tumble with them. 

Making Claude feel inferior and unworthy- how dare they all.

Stealing away Claude's fianceé, stealing away the limelight, stealing away his mother, his chance at love.


So Felix would give 'that' everything back to Claude. The one he had chosen to rule over all else and be the Emperor he would serve.

Felix pulls off the crown and Claude trails over the bloodied carpet to balance himself on the throne, but with a hesitant glance at Felix, he sits more comfortably before Felix places the crown over Claude's head, crowning him... emperor.

"...Thank you, Felix." 

Claude looks up at him, the crown glinting, the perfect accessory to his perfection. "For being always being there for me. Through all this."

Felix kneels, the burn of pride in his chest as he feels the sword tap onto his shoulders, looking up with a wide smile.

"Of course, your majesty. For you? Everything."

Darkness smoldered in his heart, for he really did mean: everything. 

A/N: Dark! Felix is almost never seen QAQ so I decided to write him lol btw how'd y'all like the new cover I made??? 

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A/N: Dark! Felix is almost never seen QAQ so I decided to write him lol btw how'd y'all like the new cover I made??? 

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