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What if I be all edgy like and put quotes in that old tumblr font

The first day of the new school year, most of the other teachers were panicking, while some of the older ones sat in their classrooms in anticipation.

You didn't actually have a class you taught, but you do help around the school, and today that means helping children find their classrooms.

You felt a tug on the back of your shirt, and looked down to see a little girl with one hand in her mouth who seemed lost.

"I can't find my classroom can you help me please?"

You crouched down to her hight and gave her a smile,
"Sure! What's your name?"

You took her hand out of her mouth,
"[random child name],"

You looked through your clipboard, and found her,
"You'll be going to class [number], do you want me to walk you there?"

She nodded, and you outstretched your arm to her,
"Hold my hand, okay?"

She held your hand with the one that was just in her mouth, which made you cringe and scream in disgust in your mind.

You eventually reached the classroom, and opened the door for her,
"We're here!"

You walked her in,
"This is Mr. Sugawara, he's super cool!"

He chuckled and crouched down to her hight,
"Nice to meet you, I'll be your teacher for the year!"

She seemed amazed by him, and you went to leave with a smile.

"Wait! (F/n)!"

You turned around, and he grabbed your hands, shaking them,
"Thanks for bringing her here!"

"No problem! But you maaayyy want to wash your hands now,"

He gave you a confused look, staring at his hands, and then to the little girl who's hand was once again in her mouth. He gave you a look of shock, which made you laugh as you walked out of the room.

The months went by, and now you could consider yourself friends with Sugawara again, although it was more like work-friends.

You looked at the calendar on your desk. The school board decided it would be good for young children to be introduced to different occupations, so every week they'd have a career day, where someone would come in and explain their job to the kids.

You went through your mind trying to figure out what would be a good fit. The kids have already met a doctor and a dentist, and you wanted to something with a little more... pizzazz.

That's when you looked at Suga, who had fallen asleep on his stack of papers next to you, and a lightbulb went off in your head.

You gently woke him up,
"Sugawara, you've heard of MSBY right? What am I saying, of course you do. Anyways, you think they'll agree to come for career day?"

It took him a few seconds to remember where he was, and you could see his eyes light up a bit after processing what you said.

"That's such a good idea (f/n)!"

"I'll send an email right now,"

You typed away on your laptop, sending an email and hoping at least one of them remembered you.

Almost immediately you got a reply, asking to meet up to discuss more about it.

"Sugawara! They agreed! Kind of... well they said that they'd meet with me to discuss it, you should come with!"

He gave you a questioning look,
"Should I really? They only agreed to met you..."

You waved your hand,
"Nonsense! You know one of them, right? It should be fine!"

He questioned how you knew that he knew one of them, but brushed it off, assuming he must have told you while he was drunk.

"When's the meeting?"

You reread the email,
"Saturday, there's now school that day, so we should be able to go,"

You both agreed to meet up somewhere before going to see the volleyball team, and you both finished up your paperwork before heading home in your separate directions.

Saturday came along, and you got in your car, driving to the place Suga agreed to meet you. As you pulled up, you saw him staring at your phone.

He saw you, and waved, walking up to the passenger seat and getting in.

"You ready?"

"Yup! Let's hope this goes well,"

The drive was smooth, and you safely parked in the parking lot of a professional looking building.

"This is it! Did you bring your gift Sugawara?"


There was silence for a moment, just a moment, before he started to panic.


You put your hands on his shoulder to try and calm him down,
"I got you!"

You rummaged through the trunk of your car, finding a nice vase, then snuck around to a flower bush, and plucked some of them out, placing them in the vase.

You handed it to him,

He gave you a suspicious look,
"Is this allowed?"

You grabbed your gift and headed inside with him,
"If they don't find out, then it is!"

You made it to the designated meeting place, and opened the door to be greeted by a room of volleyball players.

A short orange haired one came up to you first,
"You're (f/n) (l/n), right?"

Another part of your soul died,

He looked behind you,
"Suga senpai? What are you doing here?!"

They embraced, which made you want to dissolve into the air.

"I came here with (f/n) to discuss your team coming to our school,"

You looked around the room,
"This doesn't seem like the whole team?"

A man with a face mask spoke with an annoyed tone,
"The rest of them are out on vacation... which means the rest of us HAD to be here,"

A man with blonde hair leaned on the masked man's shoulder,
"Awwww c'mon Omiomi it'll be fun! Yer gonna be great with kids, I can see it!"

He got pushed off the shoulder,
"Don't call me that."

The owl looking one came up to you with a big grin,
"Are those gifts? For me?"

The blonde on walked up to you as well,
"They're for US, right?"

You nodded and handed your gift to them, Suga following suit.

You and Suga sat down opposite of the 4 players,
"Okay, let's start..."

I will NOT be adding edgy quotes to these maybe I'll put a nicki Minaj lyric or Beyoncé but THATS IT

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