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"Osamu! Glad you could make it,"

He wheeled in a cart that was covered with a cloth,
"Couldn't miss out on a chance to show off- I mean, educate some kids,"

You walked him to your office, where he stopped the cart in.

"Nice place,"

"Thanks, it's hard to make it nice without windows, but I made it work,"

While you two were talking, another man walked in,
"(F/n), could I ask you to help me with..."

The silver haired teacher stared at the chef for a few seconds, taking note of how well he seemed to be getting along with him. He extended his hand,
"I'm Sugawara Koushi, you must be the chef, right?"

Osamu took his hand, and gave it a tight grip,
"Yup, Miya Osamu, you must be his co-worker, me and (f/n) go way back,"

Suga seemed irritated,
"Oh I think we're more than just coworkers,"

You could tell that there was a little animosity going on between that, but just saw it as them trying to show who the better friend was. You let it go on for a few more moments because damn, it felt good to be fought over like that.

You separated their hands and held them up,
"Great! Now my friends are friends! Anyways, Sugawara, your class will be the first to see Osamu,"

Hearing you call Osamu by his first name made him feel a bit jealous, but now wasn't the time for him to give you first name privileges.

As soon as he left, Osamu turned to look at you with concern,
"You knew him in Highschool right? How come he doesn't remember you?"

You waved your hand,
"Pshhh, it's fiiinnneee. At this point it's better if he doesn't remember me or else it's gonna get REAL messy,"

He took your word for it, and the two of you waited in your office until it was time for the career presentation.

"Okay everyone, settle down so Mr. Miya can speak,"

A child blurted out,
"I thought we already met Mr. Miya?"

Osamu spoke,
"That was probably my brother, y'all can just call me Mr. Osamu,"

The kids took note of the concealed cart, and started to point at it,
"What's in there?"

He put his hand over the cart,
"Before I show you, I want to talk about what being a chef is like!"

He gave a lecture on the ups and downs of being a chef, mainly culinary school and getting licensed, and how making food in itself is a reward. Eventually he finished, and unveiled the cart, showing off dish after dish of delicious food.

"Anyone got allergies?"

No one raised their hand, and you looked to Suga for confirmation, who only nodded.

"Okay everyone, line up and Mr. Osamu will give you some food! Make sure to say thank you!"

One by one, the children got their plates of food, happily gobbling them down. Soon Suva's class left after thanking Osamu and saying their goodbyes, and Osamu was successfully able to talk to all the classes.

You were in your office, trying to do a bit of organizing, when you heard a plate being set on your desk.

You looked to see Osamu smirking at you,
"Last plate, all yours,"

Instantly you sat down on your chair, and took a bite out of what he made. You felt like you could see all of time, everything that's ever happened, and why they did.

You looked at him with stars in your eyes,

He chuckled,
"Well thanks,"

You got up, holding the plate up to him,
"You need to have some too!"

He tried to step backwards, but he bumped into a wall,
"No no, it's for you!"

You didn't stop, knowing that he hadn't eaten since he got there, and shoved the food into his mouth. He graciously ate it, and something about it tasted even better than he thought.

"Sugawara! You need to have some too!"

You spun around and put the food in his mouth, and he had the same life changing experience as you did.

"That was delicious! And how did you know I was here?"

You sat back down at your desk, taking out a bottle of [drink] that you hid in a secret cooler.
"I could SENSE you,"

He stared at you for a moment in confusion before saying what he came to you to say,
"I was going to ask if you wanted to go somewhere for drinks after work?"

You got to work thinking about it, and Osamu interjected,
"Come to my place, it'll be on the house,"

"Are you sure, I never got to pay last time either!"

Suga thought to himself, 'last time?'

"It's fine, I make more than enough revenue to spare a few drinks,"

After making sure it was really okay, you and Suga decided to go to Onigiri Miya for drinks. Osamu's plan worked, no one would be able to flirt with you under his watch. So he hoped.

Adult Yaku and Lev are SAUR fine they WILL be appearing soon

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