Kita Shinsuke Ending

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Omg y'all love this man

When he stopped receiving your letters all those years ago, Kita was heartbroken. Well maybe that's exaggerating it a bit, but he definitely wasn't happy about it.

He pushed you back to the furthest recesses of his mind, stifling any of the feelings he had held for you as well.

But when you came back to Hyogo, when you came back to him, it all came back like a tidal wave.

To be quite honest he found it a little pathetic at how easily he was able to fall for you again. After all, the two of you hadn't seen each other in years, and he'd already fallen back in love in the span of a week?

When you left again he tried to repress his feelings once more, but he found that it was a foolish task. You had once again worked your way into his heart, and you were there to stay.

He thought it was foolish to think he had a chance with you. Would you really just leave your friends and career behind to live with him in Hyogo? His rice farmer life was something he was unwilling to compromise on.

These thoughts ran through his mind while he was completing his daily tasks.

Even though he lived alone, you were still somehow able to make him feel like he could be himself when he was near you, like he could be a little less responsible and give himself a break.

There was one time where you gave him a massage (that I didn't write about), and god did he wish he could have your hands on his body again. In a totally non-sexual way of course.

Soon he found himself in his backyard, trowel in hand. He'd read in a magazine that a good way to get over someone was to dig a hole into the ground, confess into the hole, and then fill the hole back up. So that's what he decided he would do to get rid of his feelings for you once and for all.

He stabbed his trowel into the soil, digging out a nice hole. He confessed all his feelings into the hole, but when it came time to fill it back up, he couldn't bring himself to.

He didn't want to not feel like that towards you. He was tired of feeling like there wasn't anyone out there for him. He wanted someone to share special moments with him, and you were the only person he felt like he could do that with. (Except in the other endings. In the other endings pretend you set him up with someone).

"Shinsuke? Why're you just sitting in front of that hole?"

He whipped his head around to find you staring at him with a puzzled expression.

"(F/n)? What're ya doing here?"

"I came here to tell you something, but whatever you're doing now seems much more interesting,"

You sat down next to him, but he wanted to move the conversation away from his feelings hole.

"No, you should tell me what ya wanted to say,"

He watched as you took a deep breath.

"Kita Shinsuke. I have feelings for you. Like, the romantic type of feelings, and I don't think I can go on in life without at least telling you,"

His eyes widened. Was he hearing this right? You liked him too? You liked him too! He felt like a billion fireworks were going off in that moment, but all he could do was smile softly at you.

He leaned his head on your shoulder, holding your hand in his.
"I feel the same way, (f/n),"

You let out a sigh of relief,
"Phew, that's good because I quit my job in Miyagi and brought everything I owned here,"

"What? Why would ya do something like that? Are you an idiot?" He scolded.

"Relax! I already got a job in a school nearby here. I kinda had a hunch that you might've felt the same way, so I decided, why not?"

His voice was stern,
"And if I didn't?"

You shrugged,
"Didn't think that far,"

He wanted to scold you further, but looking at your smile caused him to melt in your arms. He melted even more as he felt your lips come into contact with his forehead.

"Ya missed," he said with a smirk.

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day where Kita Shinsuke would be flirting,"

He uncharacteristically pouted, making you chuckle as you brought your lips to his in a long overdue kiss.

"You know in Hyogo, when two adults confess their love it's customary to..."

• one amazing night later

Well that was definitely an eye opening experience for the rice farmer. Judging from the damage, he probably wouldn't be able to tend to the farm for a day or two, but he was fine with it.

You gave him a kiss on the cheek,
"You know you could've just asked, you didn't need to make up that fake tradition,"

He only hummed in response, snuggling up with you under the covers.

He decided in that moment, as revenge for killing his back, he'd ending up killing yours by making you help out with the farm.

I need to stop making the endings to these spicy omg also if you wanted Y/N to be a bottom I'm sorry. You should pretend the ending is written the other way around maybe that will help

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