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I should've made you lose your memory AFTER you talked to kita omg I should've planned this better

"Morning (f/n)! I brought you your coffee,"

The gray haired male set a seemingly familiar mug on your desk.

You had no clue who he was, but judging by the fact he was calling you by your first name, you had to be close. The thing was, you didn't know how to break the news to him. It would be too awkward for you to handle! Imagine if someone you were close to forgot about you! You couldn't entertain the thought, and felt grateful that you've held a place in the memories of people you've met since you've lost your memories.

You tried to find a way to smoothly let him in on the unfortunate news.

"Who are you?"

You slapped a hand over your mouth. That was not what you wanted to say, in fact, it was one of the last things you wanted to say.

"...Sugawara Koushi, you know this already!"

He could tell by the look on your face that you didn't.

How could you not know who he was? It was unfathomable for him to think that you'd forget anyone!

Maybe you were just playing a joke on him! Yes, of course! You were just getting back at him for forgetting about you!

"Ha ha (f/n), very funny,"

Your face displayed no signs of joking around, instead showing concern and awkwardness.

"I'm sorry but... I really don't remember you,"

It felt like hands were grabbing at his heart, flinging it around his torso like a bouncy ball.

"Oh, I must have gotten you mixed up with someone else then, sorry about that!"

Before you could say anything back to him, he left.

He wasn't sure why he tried to play it off like that, but in that moment, he just acted.

Over the course of the school day, Sugawara had a moment of realization. This was all something you had already gone through, with multiple people! After this epiphany, he decided that unlike you, he was going to make you remember as soon as possible.

After school ended when all the faculty were starting to leave, he approached you, putting his hands on your shoulders.

"(F/n)! I'm going to make you remember me!"

You sat down, and motioned to a chair in front of you,
"Please do,"

"That seems like stuff I'd do, a lot of what you said matched up with what Shoyo said, although he may have exaggerated a few details..."

"So you remember?"

You awkwardly gazed to the side,
"Nope! But I'm glad you told me about myself, Koushi! Oh, I just realized I haven't explained anything to you yet!"

You explained the tragedy that was your memory loss, and he felt relieved that it was more like your memories were erased, rather than you flat out forgetting about him. (Idk if that makes sense).

"Sorry again about forgetting about you! I couldn't imagine what that'd be like! If someone close to me forgot about me, and they didn't have memory loss, I'd never forgive them!"

Forgotten (Adult Haikyuu x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now