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This is where I hide while I try to figure out how to make endings for the other fic

"Thanks for letting me carpool with you, (f/n),"

"Anytime Sugawara!"

You kept driving along the road, making sure to keep an eye out for any pedestrians. You considered yourself a safe driver (most of the time), but you were still afraid of collisions.

You kept driving on, but as you looked through the rear view mirror, you could see a police vehicle with its lights flashing. Seeing as there weren't any other cars around, you sighed before pulling over by the road.

"Why're they stopping you? You didn't do anything bad, did you?"

"Not that I'm aware of,"

You watched as an officer approached your vehicle, and you started to unbutton your shirt,
"Maybe I could seduce him, then he won't ticket me!"

Sugawara's face turned slightly red,


You heard a tap on your window, so you lowered it, your shoulders tending up,
"Lovely morning we have today, right officer?"

"Relax, your not in trouble, you just need to get a new license plate,"

You let out a sigh of relief,
"Oh thank god,"

"Daichi? Is that you?"
Sugawara stretched his body over your seat so he could get closer to the window, making you feel very cramped.

"Sugawara! Always nice to see you, where're you headed?"

They started to talk with each other, mainly just catching up on what had been going on in their lives. You wanted nothing more than to just pull out your phone and distract yourself, but Sugawara's body was blocking it from you, and you also didn't want to get a ticket.

Eventually their conversation ended, but you noticed that traffic started to pick up, and that you were starting to run late, so you did what you needed to.

You looked at Daichi and batted your eyes at him, changing your facial expression to be slightly smiling, and just a little bit desperate.

"Officer, if you could, would you kindly escort us to the school? It would mean the world to us,"

Your power of persuasion (and maybe seduction) worked, as he felt his heart twist and turn as you spoke to him. He agreed, and got in his police vehicle, bringing it in front of yours.

"HA! Ive still got it!"

Sugawara looked at you with slight disgust, but he was also entrapped by your tactics as well. Needless to say, you got to the school in a flash, thoroughly thanking the kind officer who escorted you there, with him leaving with a slight blush.

You arranged to meet up with the former little giant after school, mainly to discuss him talking to the students.

"If I don't answer the door, you can just come inside, there should be a key underneath the plant pot near the door,"

"Got it,"

You dropped Sugawara off at his house, and made your way off to the former volleyball players house. You reached his door, and knocked on it. No response. You rang the doorbell. No response. You waited for a minute or two before getting the key from underneath the pot, inserting into the lock and twisting it.

The door opened, and you peered into the dark living space, which didn't smell bad, but wasn't pleasant. You locked the door behind you, and made your way to what you presumed was his room.

There you found him hunched over a drawing tablet, which seemed to be the only source of light in the room. You walked up to him quietly, and tapped on his shoulder. He jolted and quickly turned around, staring at you with shocked eyes.


"The door was unlocked,"

"No it wasn't,"

"After I unlocked it, it was! Also we talked about this, remember?"

He squinted his eyes at you, and then realized who you were. He tried to stand up, but after sitting for so long, it didn't turn out to well. You were able to hold him from falling, and helped him stand on his own.

"Sorry about that, guess I'm a little burnt out..."

A look at his tired eyes confirmed this. You guided him to his bed,
"Maybe you should rest for a while..."

He tried to resist,
"But my deadline..."

"Your deadline can wait, you shouldn't overwork yourself like this,"

You pulled the covers over him, and made sure his head rested comfortably on his pillow.

"Now close your eyes, everything's gonna be fine,"

He did as you said, and you started to hear soft snoring. You weren't sure how you were able to convince him like that, seeing that you've only known him for a day or two, but you shook yourself from those thoughts.

You took a self guided tour through his place, and decided to get to work. You first opened up all the blinds, letting some light flow in, then you got to cleaning up, throwing away all the empty instant ramen cups.

Soon everything looked a lot happier, and you went back to his room to check on him. He was still softly snoring away, and you decided to take your leave, rationalizing that a conversation would be easier if he was awake.


I'm not sure what this is but oop STILL HIDING HERE

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