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"Hm, I'm surprised you remember me,"

He approached you,
"How could I ever forget you?"

You scoffed,
"You never replied to my texts, and didn't respond to any of my letters. What else was I supposed to think?"

A puzzled look found it's way onto his face.

"Letters? What letters?"

"Oh I don't know, the ones I've been sending you for years?"

He paused for a moment. And then for a few more moments. After about a minute, a lightbulb went off in his head.

"Follow me,"

You really didn't want to, but you wanted to see how he would try and defend himself.

You followed him to a familiar building.

"After high school, I moved houses. The new people got arrested, so nobody's been livin here since,"

He walked up to the mailbox, which seemed almost as good as new. When he opened it, a flood of sealed letters came spilling out.

"Hm, well that explains it,"

He picked up the letters, gently putting them into a bag.

"My house isn't too far from here. Would ya like to stay for tea?"

You nodded, and followed him.

The air in the living room was filled with an awkward tension, only being disrupted by the sounds of the two of you sipping from your tea.

"If yer gonna ask why I didn't reply to yer texts, it's cuz I got a new number,"

All of the aggravation you held for the man evaporated into something different. You set your head down on the table, groaning.

"I'm sorry for being... the way I was. It was crappy of me, especially since we haven't seen each other in so long..."

He he set his cup down, unable to bring himself to look at you as his face gained a slightly pink tint.

"It's understandable. If ya want... there's something I want to show you,"

He stood up out of his chair, walking off and soon returning with a box.

He opened the box, spilling its contents on the table.

Your letters, worn from time.

He kept them all.

His eyes focused on your face, waiting for your reaction. Embarrassment was already creeping up his spine.

Your hands gingerly picked up one of the letters, carefully opening it.

"This is the first letter I ever sent you, you kept it?"

He looked away shyly,
"I kept them all... hope ya don't think it's weird..."

You laughed at his embarrassed state,
"Don't worry Kita, I have a folder for received letters as well. I don't really like throwing those kinds of things away,"

You examined your old handwriting,
"Every letter is filled with so much emotion, there's a thought behind every pencil mark, how could I throw something like that away?"

When you looked up from the paper, it seemed as though Kita was in a trance, focusing on you.

"Sorry, I started rambling for a moment,"

You got out of your chair,
"I think I should go now, it was nice seeing you again, Kita,"

All he could do was nod as you left his home.

'What was I doing before I saw Kita? Oh yeah, I was being angry,'

All of your anger immediately resurfaced as you remembered what had been done to you. But the anger quickly faded, causing you to be angry at yourself.

'C'mon me, what they did was horrible! You can't just get over it like that!'

You ended up taking a very long walk, clearing your head as the country air entered your nose. Eventually you realized you had nowhere to go. You definitely weren't going home, at least not yet, and there's no way a hotel or inn would accept you on such short notice.

You ended up walking back to Kita's house, and to your luck, he was there.

"Hey Kita... could I... stay over for a bit?"

You ended up explaining why you found yourself in the country, and when you finished, it seemed that he was deep in thought, trying to find the words to say to you.

"It's alright Kita, you don't need to say anything. I probably should've have dumped all of that on you anyways,"

He flicked your forehead,
"Don't say that. Ya can't keep it all inside, it's bad for ya,"

You let out a sad laugh,
"I guess you're right. If I had just actually had been angry back then, then this probably wouldn't have happened,"

You looked out the window to see two birds fighting over a worm.

"I guess I was sort of mad at myself for not being angrier about it. I tend to just brush things off, but being forgotten absolutely sucked,"

The worm split in half, and both birds seemed satisfied with the outcome.

"But I guess it was pretty stupid for me to storm out like that, what was I even thinking! Of course they'd forget about me, that happens to pretty much everyone once they go to different colleges!

"Yer makin excuses for them,"

You paused, realizing that you've been constantly making excuses for those who had wronged you.

"I guess you're right... still can't go back there, not yet at least. I need some time away from it all,"

A sigh could be heard coming from you as you laid your back down on the ground,
"Emotions are hard..."

Kita took a deep breath before replying,
"Yes they are,"


I've written myself into a corner manifesting I won't take as long to make the next chapter

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